
Give a moral argument to justify your agreement


Amy is 21 y/o and in her third year of studies at Rutgers University. She lives at home with her parents and was raised as a Catholic. Amy recently told her parents that she is in her gth week of pregnancy (first trimester) and that her boyfriend is denying that the pregnancy is his responsibility. Amy wants to have an abortion but her parents have made it clear that if she aborts the "child" she will not be permitted to live with them any longer. Amy's parents are devout Catholics and they regard abortion as morally wrong. Amy works part-time at the Shop-Rite and wants to finish her degree in physical therapy. Amy decided to have the abortion, leave her parents home and began working full-time to support herself while finishing school.

Give a moral argument to justify either your agreement or disagreement with Amy's decision to have the abortion. Is Amy's decision morally right or wrong? By the way, I have changed the name to protect this young woman's anonymity.

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Other Subject: Give a moral argument to justify your agreement
Reference No:- TGS03246629

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