
Give a example of a personal life ecological system

Assignment task: Give a example of a personal life ecological system.

Based on the graphic of Bronfenbrenner's mode create your own ecological system.

You need to provide a graphic representation of your model AND explain how the different things you identified affect YOU (not just who/what they are). The key is to be as detailed in your explanations as possible since we're not face-to-face to ask for more information.

microsystem:  those contexts you are directly in (who you live with, where you work/go to school, who you "play with--friends", etc) and how they affect you; list at least 3

mesosystem:  link together any 2 microsystems that "know each other" (for eg., does your family know your friends?  If so, put an arrow between them); list whatever connections exist for you and how those microsystems "talking to each other" influences you

exosystem:  contexts you are not directly in, but affect your life just the same (owners of the place you work, UCD governing boards, etc); list at least 4 and how they affect you

macrosystem:  culture, religion, state/federal government practices, laws that affect you; list at least 4 and how they affect you

chronosystem:  influences especially important because of the TIME OF LIFE they happened to you or because they are specific to your generation (eg, are you a digital native?  a baby boomer?  influenced by the organic food movement of our times?); list at least 4 and how they affect you.

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Other Subject: Give a example of a personal life ecological system
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