
Getting familiar with a test automation toolnbsppart a

Getting familiar with a test automation tool
Part A: Install Selenium Integrated Development Environment as an add-on of Firefox web browser

1. Open Firefox web browser. If you don't current have Firefox, install it first.
2. Follow the steps described in the following URL to install Selenium IDE.


3. Selenium IDE is also available for download at the following URL. https://docs.seleniumhq.org/download/

4. Alternatively, install or update Selenium IDE by selecting Tools > Add-Ons in Firefox.

a. Click on Tools for all add-ons icon on Add-ons Manager page.

b. A menu appears. Select Install Add-on From File...

c. Open selenium-ide-2.x.xpi in Select add-on to install dialog.

d. Click Install Now button in Software Installation dialog.

e. Click Restart button. After Firebox restarts, click Selenium IDE icon to start using Selenium IDE.

5. For more information, visit the following URL. https://seleniumhq.org/projects/ide/

Part B: Learn how to record and play back a test using Selenium IDE

1. Go to the following URL https://docs.seleniumhq.org/docs/02_selenium_ide.jsp#building-test-cases

2. Use Google search as an example. 

Part C: Homework 1 - Record and play back a test using Selenium IDE

1. Start up Firefox web browser.

2. Select View > Sidebar > Selenium IDE.

3. Record and perform another keyword search of your choice - other than

"software testing" - on Google.

4. Verify or assert the presence of selected text that contains search keyword.

a. Command to be used can be verifyText, verifyTextPresent, verifyTitle, assertText, assertTextPresent, assertTitle, etc.

5. Click on Play current test case button to play back the recorded test.

6. Capture the screen image of the web browser that shows the results of the test. It should resemble the screen shot such as the following.

2388_1.png7. Paste the captured screen shot into a document. Save the document.

8. To save the test case, select File > Save Test Case As > xxx.html.

9. To compress a file, right mouse click on the file. On the popup menu, select

Send To > Compressed (zipped) Folder.

This homework is worth 100 points. Report that includes the screenshots and the test case html file are due one hour before the start of week2 class. Visit NPU Online Service Center for details and exact due date. Compress the report and the test case html file into a zip file. The zip file must be uploaded or posted to a server for this course, e.g., npuosc.npu.edu.

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