
Get the daily exchange rates for the canadian dollar


Exchange rate graph

Get the latest one year DAILY exchange rate historical data from:https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h10/update

Get the daily exchange rates for the Canadian Dollar, the Japanese Yen, the Euro, the Chinese Yuan, the Mexican Peso, the British Pound, and the South African Rand.

Graph each separately in Excel.

Under each graph state whether the U.S. Dollar has been appreciating or depreciating against the foreign currency and the possible reason why.

Step by Step Instruction

When you get on the website click the link for "historical data" (if you don't click on this link you will not get the right data).

Then click on the exchange rate link of the country; for example for the Canadian Dollar click on "Canada".

It is a long data (starting the year 2000), highlight only the latest one year DAILY data and copy it.

Paste it in an Excel file

Delete the rows that show ‘ND‘ (meaning no data); you have to delete these rows or your graph will not come out right.

For each country's exchange rate, to draw the graph highlight both the date and the exchange rate data.

Click on the insert tab in Excel and select line graph; it will draw the graph for you. Save it.

Do the above for each country's exchange rate.

Notice that some of the exchange rates are expressed in terms of the foreign currency per U.S. Dollar and others are in terms of U.S. Dollar per foreign currency.

Under each graph state whether the U.S. Dollar has been appreciating or depreciating against the foreign currency and thepossible reason why.

If you say the Dollar has been appreciating list the determinants of the exchange rate that could have caused the appreciation and state what must have happened to the determinant to change the exchange rate.

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Microeconomics: Get the daily exchange rates for the canadian dollar
Reference No:- TGS01817585

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