Title: Assessment and Management of Alzheimer's Disease
One (1) annotated bibliography on an Alzheimer's topic of the student's choice. At least 12 citations or peer reviewed articles are required. Topic and list of 6 sources to be submitted prior to Spring Break. The completed bibliography is worth an additional 15 points and is 15% of the students' grade.
The student may choose any topic related to Alzheimer's. Examples of topics might include, but are not limited to:
- Diagnosis challenges of Alzheimer's
- Service challenges among older adults with dementia
- Prevention strategies
- Engaging people with early dementia
- Driving and dementia
- Research advances and controversies
The selected topic and a list of at least 6 sources will be required in the 8th week of the class, topics must be approved. The annotated bibliography and all topics must be approved. The Annotated Bibliography should include a two to three paragraph description of the article being presented for each of the 12 required sources.
The use of online journals and publications is allowed, but no more than one-third of citations can be online. It is suggested that students follow APA formatting for citations.