
Geoscience in the news presentation assignment - interpret

Environmental Geoscience - "Geoscience in the News" Presentation Assignment

This assignment will give you experience applying course content material to a specific and current real-life example.

Instructions -

A. Select a news item.

Beginning immediately browse local, regional, national, and international news publications for news items that are geosciences related. The news item should fit into one of the primary Environmental Science areas of concern: natural hazards, earth resource supply/use, or environmental damage. The news items should also be a specific event or developing issue at a specific locality (anywhere in the world).

B. Reserve your news item.

Only one student in the class is allowed to use any one news item as their topic for this assignment. In order to avoid duplication each student will reserve their news item as follows:

When you find a news item that you would like to base your presentation on, but before you begin studying it in any detail, make sure that you are not choosing a news item that another student is already working on.

C. Research your news item and its geoscience.

Learn as much as you can about the geosdence of your news item through primary and secondary resources (you will receive a separate handout for an explanation of primary and secondary resources). Use as many primary resources as possible and some of your resources MUST be primary. Pertinent information includes:

  • Geology of the locality and its region including rock types, structures, surficial materials, and regional tectonics.
  • Any history of similar events in the same locality.
  • Analysis of one or more similar events at other localities.
  • Any analysis already being offered on the event you have chosen.

D. Interpret the geoscience of your news item.

Apply your knowledge of geoscience to your news item.

What natural/geologic processes must have been involved in bringing about the event or environmental issue?

What human activities are pertinent to the event and it's impacts?

To what degree could the event have been anticipated or predicted?

What human actions would you recommend towards remediation of the impacts of this event and preventing re-occurrence of the similar impacts in the future?

E. Create a Powerpoint presentation and present your results.

Your Powerpoint presentation should summarize the news item, your research, and your interpretation. All of the bullets above should be addressed.

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Dissertation: Geoscience in the news presentation assignment - interpret
Reference No:- TGS02939973

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