
Geoinformatics 2016-2018 - mathematics and programming -


Q.1: If A and B are two square matrices of order ‘n', then show that (Recurrence Relations)

i) (A + B)2 = A2 + B2 + AB + BA                    ii) (A - B)2 = A2 + B2 - AB - BA
iii) (A - B)(A + B) = A2 - B2 - BA + AB             iv) (A + B)(A - B) = A2 - B2 + BA - AB

Q.2: If E = 142_Figure.jpg and F = 2375_Figure1.jpg, compute the matrix products

i) EF    ii) FE     iii) E2F +F2E     iv) and prove that (E + xF2)3 = x I, where x being a scalar and I being identity matrix.

Q.3: For matrices show that


v) The product AB of two Hermitian matrices A and B, is Hermitian matrix iff A and B commute.

vi) The product AB of two symmetric matrices A and B, is a symmetric matrix iff A and Bcommute.

vii) If A and B are square matrices of order 2 such that 1084_Figure3.jpg then show that (A - B) and (A + B) anti-commute.

viii) If A & B are symmetric (anti-symmetric), then A+B is symmetric (anti-symmetric).

ix) Every square matrix is uniquely expressed as a P+iQ where P and Q are Hermitian matrices.

Q.4: Prove that


iii) The three 2x2 matrices E1, E2, E3, satisfying the relations

EiEj + EjEi = 0      for i≠j, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 3

Ei2 = -I              for 1 ≤ i ≤ 3

Where I is the identity matrix. If A = x0I + x1E1 + x2E2 + x3E3 where x0, x1, x2, and x3 are the non-zero scalars, then prove that

A(2x0 I - A) = ( x02 + x12 + x22 + x32)I

iv) If eA is defined as I + A + A2/2! +......, show that


v) If A = 1403_Figure6.jpg, prove that (I + A) = (I - A)167_Figure7.jpg

vi) If ω is the cube root of unity, prove that a + bω + cω2 is a factor of 236_Figure8.jpg. Hence evaluate the determinant.

Q.5:i) If A = 1932_Figure9.jpg find out the values of α and β such that (αI + βA)2 = A. Where I is the identity matrix.

ii) If P = [aij] and Q = [bij] where I, j = 1, 2, 3 and bij = 2i+jaij. If |p| = 2 then find out det(Q).

Q.6: Find the adjoint of the matrix A = 288_Figure10.jpg and verify that

A. (adj A) = (adj A).A = |A|.I

Q.7: Find the reciprocal of A = 2179_Figure11.jpg by the method of elementary operations.

Q.8: Find the reciprocal of the matrix S = 1432_Figure12.jpg and show that the transform of the matrix

1926_Figure13.jpg by S, i.e., SAS-1 is a diagonal matrix.

Q.9: Prove that  874_Figure14.jpg

Q.10: Find the rank and nullity of matrix A, where A = 1294_Figure15.jpg.

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Engineering Mathematics: Geoinformatics 2016-2018 - mathematics and programming -
Reference No:- TGS01724757

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