
Geographic locations on planet earth


Q1. The general definition of the selected biome topic.

Give a specific description/environmental conditions of the selected biome.

(Ex: annual rainfall, light conditions, temperature ranges, seasonal changes, etc)

Q2. Geographic locations on planet Earth where the selected biome would be found.

(Ex: hemispheres, countries, states, latitudes, etc).

Q3. Identifiable plant forms typically found in the selected biome.

Q4. Identifiable animal forms typically found in the selected biome.

Q5. Describe any current changes/disturbances/disruptions to the selected biome that have caused concern to environmentalists (Ex: loss of plant forms from burnings, melting ice caps, etc).

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Biology: Geographic locations on planet earth
Reference No:- TGS01945928

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