Answer the following questions.
Question 1) What do you mean by Natural Resource Management.
Question 2) Write down the significance of Natural Resource Management.
Question 3) Describe the purpose of Rain Water Harvesting in detail.
Question 4) Explain the reasons for water disputes.
Question 5) Describe the strategies of National Mineral Development Policy.
Question 6) Mention the requirement for Mineral Resources for National Development.
Question 7) Write down the issues related to reduction in cultivable area.
Question 8) Write a brief note on Energy Resources and Conservation.
Question 9) Describe the application of Geographic Information System in Natural Resource Management.
Question 10) Explain the potentials and possibilities of River Water and Ground Water Resources.
Question 11) Explain the management of mineral resources.
Question 12) Analyse the problems and issues of population explosion.
Question 13) Write the essay on Energy crisis and Natural Energy Policy.