
Geoff huston tcp performance the internet protocol journal

Week 1 Article of the Week:   

Geoff Huston, "TCP Performance", The Internet Protocol Journal, Vol.3, No.2, June 2000.

  • This week's assignment is a discussion activity. Before starting the week's reading and module, review the questions posted in this Week 1 Discussion Forum #1.   Keep them in front of you and jot down your ideas as you work through the content for the week. This will help you organize your responses more effectively. You might also find it helpful to do some additional research if you find that a particular concept is still not clear after you review the assigned reading and module.


  • Parziale, L., Britt, D. T., Davis, C., Forrester, J., Liu, W., Matthews, C., & Rosselot, N. (2006): Chapter 3 & 4 TCP/IP tutorial and technical overview (IBM Redbooks). Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20130813071929/https://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/gg243376.pdf
  • Huston, G. (2000). TCP performance. Internet Protocol Journal, 3(2), 2-24. Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20060923000925/https://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac123/ac147/ac174/ac196/about_cisco_ipj_archive_article09186a00800c8901.pdf
  • Beardsley, T., & Qian, J. (2010). The TCP split handshake: Practical effects on modern network equipment. Network Protocols and Algorithms, 2(1), 197-217. Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20130819045823/https://nmap.org/misc/split-handshake.pdf

Question to answer please reframe from plagiarism a minimum of 300 hundred word per answer APA format in text citation is required. With references a minimum of 3 references   

Question 1. TCP

TCP is a reliable transport protocol. Research the TCP protocol and choose one TCP topic and write a tutorial, detailed instructions on the use of an IP related topic , enhance or elaborate on it. Please do not discuss any security issues .  ***Here is a list of topics:

  • TCP error control mechanism (e.g., delayed packets, duplicate packets, retransmission, etc.).
  • TCP Flow control mechanism.
  • TCP congestion control mechanism.
  • TCP state transition diagram.
  • Many more.

Question 2. Miscellaneous

A few of the main topics discussed in Module 1 are: 

  • ICMP
  • IP Fragmentation
  • Traceroute

Share any (additional) information regarding the above topics. For example, the followings topics are not discussed in  Question 1 but can be used to supplement the concepts and ideas presented in the module.      

  1. Compare and contrast the differences between Unix (or Linux) and Window Traceroute.  All the codes for each ICMP error message are not fully listed and explained.  
  2. Identify a few scenarios in which ICMP error messages are generated?
  3. What available tools employ ICMP or Traceroute? What are the advantages/disadvantages of such tools? 
  4. Module 1 demonstrates how an IP datagram is fragmented. However, the module does not show an IP reassembly process.
  5. And many more other topics...... (you are encouraged to come up with your own).  

Question 3: Internet Protocol (IP)

IP is the primary network (layer 3) protocol that contains addressing information and some control information to enable packets being routed in network.  Write a tutorial which consists of detailed instructions on the use of an IP related topic (e.g., IP addressing
scheme, IP routing protocols, various IP technologies, and many more) that you think important or interesting.  Do not discuss any security issues this week.  TCP/IP security will be discussed in a later conference.

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Basic Computer Science: Geoff huston tcp performance the internet protocol journal
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