genitalscheck in female if labia majora covers


  1. check (in female), if labia majora covers labia minora. In premature infant labia minora is not covered fully by labia majora. 
  2. check for discharge from vagina and pseudomenstruation check the size and shape of clitoris 
  3. in male check the scrotum for rugae, palpate and see if testes have descended 
  4. check the prepuce for retraction without any problem 
  5. check the urethral opening to rule out epispadias 
  6. check the shaft of the penis 
  7. rule out congenital hydrocele, inguinal hernia and hydrocele by flashing light into the scrotum 
  8. If ambiguous genitalia then inform the parents of uncertainty of sex and a further examination is required.

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Biology: genitalscheck in female if labia majora covers
Reference No:- TGS0176429

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