Response to the following responses in own words:
Response 1
As technology is advancing at a rapid rate, there is a competition in place to produce products at a faster degree. The farming communities are also affected by this advancement in technology. There are many products set in place to speed the crop growing process, but it does not come without a price.
One example of how the United States has increased its food production is the use of GPS. The GPS is a system that more harvesters are using to help produce an overabundance crops each season. "The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a key technology utilized in precision agriculture...The information helps the farmer identify precisely where to plant, and when and where to apply pesticides and fertilizer." (International Food Information Council Foundation, 2018). The GPS allows farmers to use systems of satellites to help them better coordinate the implementation of their vegetation. This allows for the farmers to plant more crops at a faster and more accurate pace as well as intercropping plants and crops of different kinds. Farming has evolved so much technologically. Many farmers now utilize computers, biotechnology and advanced genetic modification to harvest crops.
Another example of how America has increased its food production is Yield Monitoring. Yield monitoring is a system that allows most farmers to utilize specific sensors that measure the flow rate of grain that is received. The information that is measured data into a commonly used volume or weight and then made into a map that show the differences of data. "Such a map can help a farmer arrive at yield numbers for the purpose of insurance or government programs, measure the results of experiments that test the qualities of genetically modified crops or the effectiveness of various cultivation practices, and reveal which parts of a field aren't living up to their potential." (Lowenberg-DeBoer, 2015). The yield monitoring maps have been utilized by more farmers to give them a better idea of how their land and crops are affected by weather conditions and chemicals, just to name a few. These maps are helpful for mass production of harvests and allowing farmers to better market their crops for the economic market.
Response 2
Various innovations have taken place to ensure the food production remains on a positive note. For instance, the used of Genetic Modified Agriculture and Small-Scale Organic Farming. GM technology has assured certain traits are used to transfer genes of particular species through laboratory methodology. Among some of the agricultural products used are corn, canola, beet, soybeans and sugar among others. These crops are modified in such a way that they resist weed interference and insects. They contain higher vitamins, healthier fatty acid and vitamin content. Thus, they are still resistance to various diseases. Therefore, an implication on the level of food production in the U.S (Mäki, 2018).
Small-Scale Organic Farming has also generated high food productivity in the U.S. This is because a change has been experienced in the trade, agricultural and food production. The innovation of organic fertilizers and manures are also promoted high yield. This system is reported to utilize the sustainable techniques to control pests and soil productivity. This has implied on the ground cover and water management (Guthman, 2014).
The GM Agriculture and Small-Scale Organic Farming has affected both the environment and food safety. For instance, the process of cross pollution has caused harm to other organisms. This hinders the forthcoming generation. Also, the soil is polluted through the chemicals and fertilizers and even killing the soil organism. On food safety, these products are seen to oppose the food defence as opposed to the indicated health hazards. The process of handling, preparation and storage of food may generate food-borne illness to the users. This could be due to the practice criteria such as detrimental food hygiene, pesticides residues and many more.