
Genetic fingerprinting technology can be a very useful tool

Paternity and Family Relationship Identification

Genetic fingerprinting technology can be a very useful tool to conclusively identify and establish a biological relationship between children and a parent.

In October 1983, Edith Moore and her husband arrived at the Griffin-Spalding Hospital outside of Atlanta to pick up a child they planned to adopt. When they did, they were given the wrong baby, the child of Judie Pope, who had given birth at the same time. Judie ended up being sent home with the baby placed for adoption, instead of her own biological child. The Popes were upset when they learned of the switch, and insisted they be given back their own child to correct the mistake. (Larson, 2013, para. 17)
  1. Assume that you are assigned to perform genetic fingerprinting analysis to determine the biological mother of the child the Moores adopted. Based on the case study, perform a hypothetical genetic fingerprinting analysis and consider the following:How can genetic fingerprinting technology be used to determine who the baby's mother is?
  2. What kind and amount of samples are required to run the DNA investigation of the case? How were these samples collected?
  3. What conclusions can be made?
  4. What advice could be given to Judie Pope, the hospital management, and the justice office?

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Biology: Genetic fingerprinting technology can be a very useful tool
Reference No:- TGS02732539

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