
Generate an proper mla formattednbspworks cited list for

Disciplinary Literacy Paper: Scholarly Journal Assignment

Length: approximately 350-500 words

Below, you'll find a series of questions that asks you to preform a rhetorical reading of the scholarly journal article you've chosen to use in the Paper.  Of note: your answers will become a "draft" for examining the scholarly article in the Disciplinary Literacy Paper. 

  1. Generate an proper MLA formatted Works Cited list for the sources you have (tentatively) identified for use in the Paper: at least one scholarly journal article, at least one trade journal and/or association website, and the person you are considering interviewing (if you have not identified an interviewee use the fictitious name "Sally Parsons" to generate the citation as practice). 
  2. Perform a rhetorical reading of the scholarly journal you are planing to use in the Paper.  How do you do a rhetorical reading of a scholarly article you ask?  You will do this by answering the questions I have listed below.  It can be written in paragraph form or in bulleted points.

Gathering and presentation of information: Research

  • To what extent does the writer consider prior knowledge (research)?For example, how much research is included in the article?
  • What kind of research did the writer make use of?Primary or secondary?Old or more recent or both?
  • How is the research conducted? For example, is it quantitative (statistical, measurement analysis), or qualitative (observational, gathering information), or experimental?
  • How is past knowledge (research) put into relationship with the knowledge (author's contribution) at hand?How is the knowledge and research delivered? For example, charts, graphs, narrative text, etc.?

 Communication of information: Reading and Writing

  • How accessible is the vocabulary?
  • What citation format is used?How is the research presented in the body of the article and at the end in the bibliography or works cited?
  • How is the knowledge (author's contribution) arranged (abstract?subheadings?)
  • Is the style formal or informal?
  • Number of authors?Are the authors' credentials given?

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Other Subject: Generate an proper mla formattednbspworks cited list for
Reference No:- TGS01420138

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