
Generate a teaching philosophy statement


A. Generate a teaching philosophy statement that demonstrates a working knowledge of effective school practices and research based instructional strategies. The philosophy should integrate one's commitment to the teaching profession.

B. Generate a computer technology themed lesson plan that is developmentally appropriate for high school age groups (grades 9-12). Include high quality critical lesson plan elements including heading, common core standards, rationale and background, lesson objectives, materials and resources, motivation/set/introduction, lesson body, differentiation, home/school connection, closure and assessment/evaluation. You may also include a family letter, culminating experience, unit web, time frame, and overall assessment plan.

C. Include student work samples that highlight the use of the following in the computer technology field: engagement, higher order thinking, differentiation, creativity, student involvement in assessment, student choices and interdisciplinary work. Student faces/identifying information is not shared in the photos.

D. Include strong, robust evidence of differentiated instruction including evidence regarding outcomes of the differentiation for students.

E. Include assessment tools that demonstrate the use of both summative and formative assessments. A variety of assessment tools are used that are appropriate for intended instructional outcomes. It is evident that assessment results have been appropriately interpreted and communicated to others (parents and professionals). There is evidence of how the assessment used made a difference in student learning. There is evidence that the assessment used to inform the planning of future lessons. Evidences show that the candidate adapted the assessment for candidates with exceptionalities.

F. Include multiple artifacts that have a commentary and are aligned with the Danielson Framework for Teaching. Reflective commentaries explore growth and strengths and weaknesses are discussed in relationship to candidate learning and plans for professional development.

G. The core values of mercy, justice, hospitality, and service are all evident. Artifacts included in this section could be evidence of service learning projects, essays on Mercy Values, descriptions of service projects from PSEA, etc.

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Computer Engineering: Generate a teaching philosophy statement
Reference No:- TGS03276455

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