
Generate a statement of cash flows for 2012 - how does this


1. Generate a statement of cash flows for 2012

2. Generate the following ratios

current ratio

days recievable outstanding

average age of inventory

LT debt to equity


Gross margin

3. Provide DuPont analysis

How does this firm generate returns for its shareholders?

4. If asked to provide an opinion on the financial conditions of this company, what else would you need to know/do? Do the follow Time Value of Money Calcuations

1. future value of $100 per year for n years

2. future value of $100 per month n months

3. A lump sum retirement that pays $1,000,000 is available, what would you pay to acquire this retirement amount?

4. What is the present value of a stream of $250 cash flows at the end of each year?

5. What is the present value of a stream of $250 cash flows at the end of each month?

6. What is the present value of the following stream of cash flows

7. What is the present value of the following cash flow stream

Estimate Beta for Smith & Wesson and Compare your Beta to the Beta on Yahoo finance and discuss any differences and Estimate the one-year forward rates implied in the term structure of Treasury yields

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Finance Basics: Generate a statement of cash flows for 2012 - how does this
Reference No:- TGS02211734

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