Assignment - Adaptive Filtering
Important Notes:
• This is an individual assignment. Each student must work alone, without help from any other person. Plagiarism is NOT allowed. Copying material from the web or from documents and submitting it for this assignment without giving credit/reference is plagiarism. Copied assignment will not be accepted.
• Use Matlab to solve the assignment.
• Submit only a FORMATTED and COMMENTED code.
• Only the M-file is to be attached.
In this assignment you will be required to apply the LMS algorithm for Adaptive Filters. You are not to use built in commands in MATLAB. You are not allowed to use built in commands but you can check your result for your own clarification.

Question 1.
a) Generate a random signal. The signal should be labeled x[n] and should have 1000 samples.
b) Generate a 4 tap moving average filter.
c) Generate 4 taps cross correlation and auto correlation matrices.
d) Use the LMS equation to calculate the taps of the moving average filter for three different values of µ.