
Generally speaking having professionalism refers to having

Question: Understanding professionalism

- Generally speaking, ‘having professionalism' refers to having expected competencies and/or skills in a particular professional field. However, while ‘having professionalism' and ‘being a professional' are related, there are indeed distinguishing characteristics between the two.

- Moreover, the entrenchment of computing technology in modern society has only added to the nuances of these terms. IT professionals in particular are now laden with constraints, codes of ethics, moral obligations and standards for communication. This should not be of much surprise if you consider all the critical systems for which IT professionals may be responsible.

- For this week, however, your focus is on analyzing the difference between having professionalism and being professional;

- To complete this Assignment:

- Submits A paper which analyses professionalism as it applies to computing. Begin by comparing how ‘professional' and ‘professionalism' are different. With the nuances of these terms in mind, analyse behaviours that can be considered indicative of IT professionalism and explain why.

For all Assignments:

- Your document should have 450 - 650 words (not including the list of works cited), but it is the quality of the answer that matters, not the number of words.

- Support all of your work with at least two scholarly sources

- Cite and reference all sources using the Harvard Coventry Referencing System

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Mathematics: Generally speaking having professionalism refers to having
Reference No:- TGS02356776

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