
Generally defined as a ust of values that is sorted

Need help manifesting Java Programming project that I'm having issues completing. Specification and attached files provided below:

3 Implementation Specifications

This section will detail the set class interface and the recommendations and requirements that should be adhered to in your implementation.

3.1 Definitions

For this assignment, a set is generally defined as a Ust of values that is sorted and does not contain any duplicate values. More specifically, a set shall contain no pair of elements el and e2 such that el.equals(e2) and no null elements.

3.2 Requirements

To ensure consistency among all implementations there are some requirements that all implementations must maintain:
• Your implementation should reflect the definition of a set at all times.
• Your set will be used to store Integer objects.
• An ArrayList object must be used to represent the set.
• All methods that have an object parameter must be able to handle an input of nu 11.

3.3 Recommendations

There are deviations in program implementation that are acceptable and will not impact the overall functionality of the set class.

• A minimum size (initial capacity) maybe specified for the ArrayList object.
• When elements are added, the ensureCapacityO method may be called to ensure that adding a new element can proceed.
• The trimToSizeO method can be used to maintain a constant capacity equal to the number of elements in the set.

3.4 Set Member Methods

There are many methods that one would expect to be supported in a set class. This section will describe the interface of the set class. Unless specified, you will have to implement all of the described methods.

Implementation instructions for the Constructors, Methods, and Set Data Structures provided in complete documents for project supplied in Attached Archive Zip File (pass - "java help"). 

Project Completion Price: $50

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Basic Computer Science: Generally defined as a ust of values that is sorted
Reference No:- TGS087344

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