General pattern of change of the specific market model

Part A: Choose and research an organization where there has been a pattern of change in a specific market model (monopoly, oligopoly and so on).

Write a four to five (4 - 5) page paper in which you:

Question 1: Explain the industry and describe the general pattern of change of the specific market model.

Question 2: Hypothesize the fundamental short-run and long-run behaviors of the model in the industry you have selected in a ‘market economy’.

Question 3: Analyze at least three possible areas for the industry which could lead to transaction costs and illustrate each in detail.

Question 4: Speculate regarding the behavior that could result from these transactions and propose at least two strategies for dealing with them.

Question 5: Collect costs, revenue data or other data from the industry which you deem relevant. Describe how you would modify the data in order to make it relevant to decisions a manager should make.

Question 6: Describe the main factors which affect the degree of competitiveness in your industry. Use the data to develop at least three measures (example: productivity measures) to show how the industry is evolving.

Question 7: Use at least three high-quality academic resources in this assignment.

Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment should follow such formatting requirements:

• Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references should follow APA or school-specific format.

The cover page and the reference page are not comprised in the required assignment page length.

Part B: Suppose that the industry you wrote about in Part A wants to expand and that its only option is a merger. Now the industry is confronted with government regulations to oversee the merger.

Write a four to five (4 - 5) page paper in which you:

Question 1: Describe why government regulation is required, citing the main reasons for government involvement in a market economy.

Question 2: Justify the rationale for the intervention of government in the market process in the U.S.

Question 3: Supposing that the merger faces some threats and that the industry decides on self-expansion as an alternative strategy, explain the additional complexities which would arise under this new scenario of expansion through capital projects.

Question 4: Analyze how different forces will come altogether to make a convergence between the interests of stockholders and managers.

Question 5: Speculate regarding the implications for the goals of the firm as to whether to maximize the industry’s profits or to make more value for the shareholders.

Question 6: Use at least three high-quality academic resources in this assignment.

Your assignment should follow these formatting requirements:

• Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references should follow APA or school-specific format.

• The cover page and the reference page are not comprised in the required page length.

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Other Management: General pattern of change of the specific market model
Reference No:- TGS01902

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