
General information about company such as brief history

Select any company you want!!!

1. Company Research is due before the tour begins.

Each research report must include:

a. General information about company such as brief history, number of employees, products they make, sales volume, how and where products are sold. Who are their customers, etc.

b. Cite references of information, such as: website, urls, etc. with last date accessed, Personal interviews with employees, or newspaper articles, etc. are good places to start. You must have at least one reference other than the company web site.

c. List of questions: you plan to ask during the tour. Think about what you would want to know if you were a prospective employee, customer, vendor or banker of the company.

These should be questions you not easily found in your research. Or that could be questions pertaining to what you expect to see at plant.

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Other Subject: General information about company such as brief history
Reference No:- TGS01151804

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Anonymous user

5/17/2016 5:40:03 AM

The assignment mainly focuses on the company research is due before the tour starts. Each research report should comprise: 1) General information regarding company like brief history, number of employees, sales volume, products they make, how and where products are sold. Who are their customers and so on? 2) Cite references of information, like website, urls and so on with last date accessed, Personal interviews with employees, or newspaper articles and so on are good places to begin. You should have at a minimum of one reference other than the company website. 3) List of questions: You plan to ask throughout the tour. Consider what you would wish for to know if you were a potential employee, customer, vendor and banker of the company.