
General description of the time frame


Create a powerpoint presentation with 8-10 slides and 250 speaker notes per slide

• Give a general description of the time frame selected, including the following:

o Years covered

o Major events during that year that affected labor (e.g., presidential election, inventions, economic crisis or boom)

• Describe the major figures (e.g., labor leaders, political leaders, activists) that impacted American labor.

• Answer to the following questions:

o What dominant labor unions existed, and what was the state of their power?

o How did the events of this period, historical figures, and political decisions change the fabric of labor history (strikes, major labor laws, or major labor news events)?

• What did you learn from this assignment that was significant to what you do today?

Select 1 of the following time frames:

• 1800-1860

• 1861-1899

• 1900-1960

• 1961-1999

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