
General audience of business professionals and executives

Task: Give an example of an executive summary for the sample business report that is written for a general audience of business professionals and executives. Included key information organized in the summary with bullets.

College of Liberal Arts Strategic Plan

Academic Years 2006 and 2007


We emphasize a career-oriented, student-focused education in applied liberal arts and related professional studies. Our faculty, students and staff engage in research and service to support the cultural, economic and civic life of the city of Minneapolis, the state of Minnesota, the region and the professional communities in which they work. We value creative and critical thinking and the application of our knowledge to 21st-century challenges.

Strategic Goals:

1. Ensure that the graduates have the knowledge and skills for continued learning, career success and responsible citizenship.

2. Produce research that advances conventional scholarship, creative works that further the techniques or understanding of a field, and applied research that provides a product or services for the use by practitioners in a field.

3. Apply our knowledge and proficiency to support the civic, economic, intellectual and cultural growth of the community.

4. Create a vibrant academic and intellectual environment and an enhanced sense of community for faculty, students and staff.

5. Expand and diversify the college's revenue sources through student recruitment, institutional advancement and sponsored research activities.

Strategic Goals and Assessable Objectives

1. Ensure that the graduates have the knowledge and skills for continued learning, career success and responsible citizenship.

Objective 1.1: Continued learning By AY 2008, at least 80 percent (2001 baseline=68 percent) of "three-years-out" college graduates will indicate that they are well prepared to learn new skills and acquire new information on their own to keep pace with and understand change.

Objective 1.2: Career success By AY 2008, at least 75 percent (2001 baseline=73 percent) of "three-years-out" college graduates will indicate that their degrees led to a more satisfying position/career, a promotion or a substantial salary increase.

Objective 1.3: Career success By AY 2008, at least 80 percent (2001 baseline=75 percent) of the college's "three-years-out" professional program graduates will be employed in their field (or related professions).

Objective 1.4: Citizenship By AY 2008, at least 65 percent of the college's "three-years-out" graduates will volunteer a minimum of 10 hours (2001 baseline=50 percent volunteer minimum of 10 hours) during the previous year in civic, community, and nonprofit organizations.

Objective 1.5: Citizenship By AY 2008, at least 80 percent (2001 baseline=80 percent) of the college's "three-years-out" graduates will reside or work in Minnesota.

Objective 1.6: Assessment During AY 2006 and thereafter, 100 percent of the college's undergraduate instructional programs will regularly conduct learning outcome assessments. During AY 2007 and thereafter, 100 percent of the college's graduate instructional programs will regularly conduct learning outcome assessments.

Objective 1.7: Adjunct Instruction By AY 2008, no more than 35 percent of courses in any college program will be taught by adjunct instructors.

Objective 1.8: Retention By AY 2008, college wide retention rates will meet the colleges published retention goals.

2. Produce research that advances traditional scholarship, creative works that further the techniques or understanding of a field, and applied research that provides a product or services for the use by practitioners in a field.

Objective 2.1: Advance traditional scholarship Between AY 2006 and AY 2008, the college's faculty will increase their scholarly productivity (scholarly articles and books) by 2 percent.

Objective 2.2: Creative works Between AY 2006 and AY 2008, the college's faculty will increase their production of creative works that further the techniques or understanding of the field by 2 percent.

Objective 2.3: Applied research Between AY 2006 and AY 2008, the college's faculty will increase the products and services they provide for the use of practitioners in their fields by 2 percent.

3. Apply our knowledge and expertise to support the civic, economic, intellectual and cultural growth of the community.

Objective 3.1: Enrich cultural and intellectual life Between AY 2006 and AY 2007, the college will sponsor or co-sponsor at least 10 "open-to-the-public," educational and cultural events attended by at least 25 (non-student) members of the community.

Objective 3.2: Support the community Between AY 2006 and AY 2007, the college's faculty and research center staff will increase the number of hours contributed to Minnesota communities, businesses, government agencies and nonprofit organizations by 4 percent.

4. Create a vibrant academic and intellectual environment and an enhanced sense of community for faculty, students and staff.

Objective 4.1: Vibrant academic and intellectual environment By AY 2008, the percentage of (i) the college's faculty, (ii) the college's students and (iii) the college's staff that indicate they are satisfied or well satisfied with the college's academic and intellectual environment will increase by 5 percent from AY 2006 levels.

Objective 4.2: Physical environment By AY 2008, the percentage of (i) the college's faculty and staff and (ii) the college's students who indicate they are satisfied or well satisfied with the physical instructional environment will increase by 8 percent from AY 2006 levels.

Objective 4.3: Sense of community By AY 2008, the percentage of (i) the college's faculty, (ii) the college's students and (iii) the college's staff that indicate they are satisfied or well satisfied with the college's community spirit will increase by 4 percent from AY 2007 levels.

5. Expand and diversify the college's revenue sources through student recruitment, institutional advancement and sponsored research activities.

Objective 5.1: Student recruitment Between AY 2005 and AY 2008, increase upper-division undergraduate credit hours by 2 percent and graduate credits hours by 3 percent.

Objective 5.2: Institutional advancement Between AY 2006 and AY 2008, total gifts and grants will average $500,000 per year.

Objective 5.3: Sponsored research Between AY 2006 and AY 2008, the total amount of revenue generated through sponsored research will increase 3 percent.

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Other Management: General audience of business professionals and executives
Reference No:- TGS01446191

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