
General anthropology concept

Make sure that you are properly made for your Final Research Paper in this course, you must complete a draft that comprises: Choose a topic from the given list: Body Art and Ornamentation Child Rearing Practices Healthcare practices. The use of music or dance as a form of political protest/music or dance as a reflection of cultural issues, values and beliefs Educational practices Elderly care Body Language and Proxemics Rites of Passage Conflict resolution Marriage practices Alternative gender roles Alternative topics are possible, however should be approved by the instructor at least a week before the Week Three draft is due. A thesis which reflects the requirements of the Final Research Paper. A properly formatted reference page.

After you have decided on a topic, the next step is to start to do your research. Since you will be comparing this topic across three different cultures, it might be helpful to brainstorm a list of different cultures which you are interested in researching. Utilizing the same databases that you searched in the Week Two Assignment, conduct key word searches to locate the scholarly sources you will be using to aid in writing this paper. If you feel that you need a little help in beginning this research, please view the Generating Search Terms tutorial and/or the Finding Full Text Articles tutorial. Please keep in mind, that even although you are only needed to use three scholarly sources from the library, you will initially want to find more than that to make sure that you are using the best three articles for your topic and cultures.

After completing your research, now is a good time to compile your sources in a reference page. Do not worry if you don't end up using one of the sources in your Final Research Paper; you can always remove any sources which you do not use later.

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Other Subject: General anthropology concept
Reference No:- TGS015601

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