
Gender roles and gender role socialization

How theories about gender roles and gender role socialization help us understand this case?

Theories explaining couples’ functioning and causes of dysfunction?

How should a family therapist intervene effectively with this couple?

Take Home Exam – due submitted to Safe Assign

Your grade for this exam is 10% of your grade. Choose one of the following four case examples and address all of the elements listed in the grading scheme. Write a 3-5-page, typed, double-spaced answer to this question, “How does culture (especially related to gender and race) affect both your assessment of the couple and your proposed interventions?” Writing more than 5 pages is strongly discouraged. Students, who set 3-5 pages as a limit, do not waste space summarizing the case and focus their answer succinctly, get the highest grades. Analyze the case and provide support for your analysis. Do not re-state the general case summary. Reference the specific details of the case that relate to your analysis. You must use references, not plagiarized, to the assigned readings. Grammar and coherence count. You will be graded on your thoughtfulness about family dynamics and intervention and on your demonstration that you have done the assigned readings. You must use APA style. Assignments will lose one point for each day late. 5 points will be deducted for papers submitted up to a week late. 10 points will be deducted for any paper submitted more than a week late. If you are having any difficulty, contact the professor.

How does culture (especially related to gender and race) affect both your assessment of the couple and your proposed interventions?”

_____ your demonstration of careful reading and thinking about the case example and thoughtful analysis of the couple’s interaction

_____ an answer that truly and fully addresses how theories about gender roles and gender role socialization help us understand this case

_____ an answer that shows an understanding about theories explaining couples’ functioning and causes of dysfunction.

_____ an answer that shows thoughtfulness about practice—how should a family therapist intervene effectively with this couple

_____ Clarity in communicating your ideas, including grammar, spelling, etc.

_____ thorough citations to the assigned readings throughout the answer, including references to several different assigned readings beyond the two books. You must include references (APA style) in the body of the text in order to receive credit. Most of your citations should be to readings from this semester, not last semester.

_____ Evidence that you have grasped the meaning of the relevant assigned readings. You must rephrase rather than quote the readings in order to show that you thought about and integrated the meaning of the readings. You must include references (APA style) in the body of the text in order to receive credit.

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Other Subject: Gender roles and gender role socialization
Reference No:- TGS01428361

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