
Gender inequality in modern society

Gender inequality in modern society:

Produce an essay that critically engages a specific social issue.

The project will focus on an analysis of source materials and the development of a well supported position related to the topic and the source materials. In addition to locating and analyzing written sources, you are required to find and analyze at least one visual source (comic strip, commercial, video, etc.) in relation to your position. Special attention should be given to how the representation of the visual source conveys meaning differently than the written sources. The essay should include a positional thesis statement, well-integrated source material, and complete citations for all materials used.

1. Identify a complicated social issue that lends itself to many different positions. For instance, homelessness is a recognized social problem, but there are countless approaches to combating it. Choose a similarly rich social issue.

2. Research the issue to determine your position. As you conduct your research, be sure to keep careful notes on your resources. They’ll be crucial later in the process.

3. Create a positional thesis statement. This should clearly reflect your position on the social issue.

4. Once you have created your positional thesis statement, return to your research. You will most likely need to conduct further research, having established your position, to solidify it.

Writing Phase:

How you actually conduct the writing –pre-writing, outlines, revisions, edits, etc.– is entirely up to you. Your final paper, however, should have the following:

1. An Introduction: This briefly introduces the social issue you are examining and presents your positional thesis.

2. Concise Overview of Topic Background and Issues: This sets the background for the reader so that he or she will better understand the context of the social issue.

3. Explanation of Your Position: Using your positional thesis as a starting point, lay out the primary argument for your position. This will support the argument using the resources you selected.

4. Justification of your Position: Use your resources to justify your position. You will need to quote directly, or summarize, from your research and provide clear citations.

You should pay close attention to how the resources work together to strengthen your position. The support should also include an analysis of the validity of the sources; explain why they are valid or important.

5. Visual Source: As part of your justification of your position, one of your resources should be a visual source (cartoon, video, advertisement, etc.). Be sure to explain the unique impact of the medium when discussing this source.

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Reference No:- TGS01437052

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