
Gen499 general education capstone text bhargava v k 2006 -

Introduction to global issues.

Review your classmate post, and respond to your peer. Comment on how your peer explained their view on the philosophy of education and the understanding of how education is acquired.


There are various ways a person can teach by example. The first way would be to be the example yourself in the way you carry yourself. "Make a deliberate effort to enhance the conditions and contexts that promote learning from example" (Mcewan, 2011, p. 510). Teaching by example also touches on the moral aspect of teaching and learning.

There is a good way and bad way of doing things in terms of learning and teaching standards. I teach by example with my daughter in the sense that I don't curse in front of her and I don't listen to music with bad language in front of her or watch tv programs with cursing in it. Obviously she knows the words exist but she has also been taught that these words aren't appropriate and that they are not to be used. She is 10 years old and has never used a curse word. It doesn't mean she will never curse but she has been shown by example that they aren't needed in everyday conversation nor are they appropriate in everyday conversation thus she has no desire to curse. When I read the second question the first thing that comes to mind is racism.

Racism is man-made and learned behavior. People are taught to be racist for whatever reason and it is usually learn early as a child because the adults or older siblings are exhibiting behavior and using language that is being absorbed by young people. They begin to think it's the normal and therefore ok to dislike someone because of their race or ethnic background. When you see pictures of little children in Klu Klux Klan attire that is directly influencing that child to grow up with hate. I disagree with Rousseau's thinking regarding educational power of example. I think teaching by example is the way most people learn things deliberately or otherwise. Most people absorb things from whomever they live with or spend a significant amount of time around.

I spent a lot of time around my mother early in my life with both positive and negative aspects of life being shown to me and also a lot of time around my grandpa which is where my love from history comes from. I also like to attribute the absence of my father in my life as an example to me of how not to be when raising my daughter and used that as a template of how to be a better father to my daughter. Most people learn a lot from school teachers and in educational environments because that is the most positive environment they have sometimes.

Reference - McEwan, H. (2011). A Portrait of the Teacher as Friend and Artist: The example of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

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