
Gen499 - provide comments on your classmate topic idea and

General Education Capstone Text:Bhargava, V. K. (2006).

Introduction to global issues. In V. K. Bhargava (Ed.), Global issues for global citizens: An introduction to key development challenges.

Review your classmate' posts, and respond to your peer.

In each response, provide comments on your classmate topic idea and ask a question that prompts your classmate to think more critically about how to explore the research topic in more detail.

Stephanie Johnson Discussion For the week five assignment topic I have chosen species extinction and Minimum wage as a topic that I can provide an argument for two different societal sides to the issue. The way that I have narrowed it down to just one topic is I asked myself many questions about both topics.

With species extinction there are many perspectives to this topic when it comes to ethics, many people want to stop the hunting of animals for certain valuable parts of the animal. Those that fight for animal rights and try to save them from extinction from being hunted by humans, they are doing what is ethically right for everyone. On the other hand, those that hunt for sport they believe that they are not doing any harm, but they are only being one-sided when it comes to this situation.

They are doing what they deem ethically right for themselves not considering others or the animals. Also With the destruction by humans of the animals natural habitat, it makes it harder for them to survive when we are taking the natural resources to better our own living circumstances.

With many of the forest being destroyed for lumber and luxury homes being built it push the animals into our world because they are no longer able to find food or their home has been destroyed and they have nowhere else to go. This also leaves humans getting hurt because the animals have to now co-exists with humans because they have nowhere to go.

For example, in southern California they have bob cats but because they are doing so much construction and depleting their food resources there has been more siting''s of them. I am well informed about animal extinction due to hunters, and loss of habitat and natural food resources. Writing on this topic and furthering my knowledge on the topic would be ideal.

For my second-choice minimum wage, there are many things that society deals with when it comes to minimum wage. Many people can''t live off of minimum wage but companies don''t want to pay because then they wouldn''t make big profits. Another alternative would be men being paid more money than women in the work environment. I have more knowledge on this topic and it has many different aspects that I can write about. With minimum wage if I get stuck on something I can quickly recover because of the past knowledge that I have gained and the different things that can be incorporated into my final paper.

Since I do live in a society where this does affect me personally this is a more suitable topic for me, because I am well informed about the topic and would like to further my knowledge on this topic. When determining if the scholarly source is reliable are not there are many things to look at to see whether it is credible are not.

First where was the source published or who is the author, if the author is affiliated with a university their work is considered to be creditable to utilize the work in your own writing. So these sources comes from a group of individuals or group of people that are experts on the topic. On the other hand, is the source out of date, since information sometimes changes over time the information that was provided ten years ago may not be no longer reliable due to new information that has been gathered on the topic.

That is why it is important to use sources that has been printed in the last 10 years, but if a source older than ten years is utilized it should be backed up with current sources that would supply up-to-date information. Lastly, There should always be a bibliography so that if you decide to further your investigation you can look at the sources that they used to gain that information that you are looking for.

Source one: In this article they explain how Chinese medicine comes from the usage of animal parts including animals that are becoming extinct. In this article they want to find common grounds so that they donâ€TMt over fish the sea of different species or just hunt the animals to extinction. They want to transition the old way of getting the supplies for their traditional medicines, so they are suggesting using farmed animals as well as plant substitutes and synthetic ingredients that will help to create those same medicines without the over poaching of animals. Liu, Z., Jiang, Z., Fang, H., Li, C., Mi, A., Chen, J., & ... Meng, Z. (2016). Perception, Price and Preference: Consumption and Protection of Wild Animals Used in Traditional Medicine. Plos ONE, 11(3), 1-19. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145901

Source two: This article discusses the issues in Africa and how poachers are slowly killing off rhinos for their ivory and then leaving them for dead. With the high price and demand of ivory it has lead a lot of rhino poaching gangs killing rhinos and anyone that gets in their way, even though it is illegal to poach these animals for the love and need of money they go against the law to satisfy their own needs. Trackers of the military are put out in the filed to watch a segment of the rhino population to ensure that they are not harm round the clock. Although, they are there to protect them poachers find different ways to getting ivory so that they wonâ€TMt get caught and imprisoned. Fletcher, M. (2017). The war on poaching.

New Statesman, 146(5380), 24-27. Scholarly sources should be used to support my writing because Although I am knowledgeable about the topic I still need sources to back up the new and old information that I have obtained. This information has been learned from somewhere and you have to show where you got the information from, for example I have a minimum knowledge on species extinction, but I do know a few things about the topic. This would cause me to research the topic to find more information and I must site my source to show where I have learned that new information that I didn''t know before.

Also, using someone that has expertise in the subject gives validation to your own writing, just using your own thoughts doesn't give any validation but when you use someone else''s work that has studied, experienced or done field work in that subject it makes your work more valid. Resources Ashford University Writing Center. (n.d.) Writing a Research Paper.

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