
Gen 996 supervising - explain how to monitor if staff have


Part -1:

1 Explain how to monitor if staff have the required skills and knowledge to carry out their job role

2 Explain how to determine the validity of any proof of training or qualifications of those being supervised

3 Explain how to identify potential opportunities for developing the skills and knowledge of colleagues

4 Give 3 examples of situations that may mean staff training is needed

5 Explain what to do if a training need is identified

6 Explain the benefits of staff keeping skills and knowledge up to date, give 1 benefit to the business and 1 to the individual

Part -2:

1 Explain the correct way to deal with the following problems with staff in accordance with organizational procedures and statutory legislation

Part -3:

1 Explain how to carry out a formal risk assessment in the working environment

2 Explain how to interpret an existing risk assessment

3 Explain how to apply a method statement

4 Explain how and why to monitor changing conditions

5 Give 2 examples of changing conditions that may require amendment to working methods and suggest the changes that may be necessary

6 Explain how to balance the needs of the work schedule while maintaining health and safety and cost effectiveness

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Business Management: Gen 996 supervising - explain how to monitor if staff have
Reference No:- TGS02666624

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