
Gen 499 general education capstone textbhargava v k

Introduction to global issues. Scholarly Sources & Bibliography Analysis Review your classmate' post, and respond to your peer 7. In your responses, review at least one of the articles provided by your peer and expand on their description.


Within popular sources they are used to entertain the public and written by journalist, these popular sources consist of photographs, cartoon illustrations, and sometimes paid advertisements.

These types of writings are for entertainment, so it makes it easier for the reader to understand because they are knowledgeable about current trends and popular people.

Also, there is not much credit that would be given to another source with popular sources which makes it harder to determine whether the information is valid or not. On the other hand, scholarly sources are written by scholars that have expertise in certain areas, these writings are also for the public but mostly scholars read and use them to help support their thinking and writing of information. Unlike popular sources, scholarly sources have a wide variety of college level words which can make the writing uninteresting or hard to understand. Scholarly sources also have other sources that they use to follow up and back up their thinking.

when other sources are incorporated into writings it makes the writing more valid than those of popular sources because they are not as likely to back their information up with evidence. Popular Source: The popular source that I included talks about how many animals are on the verge of becoming extinct due to the loss of their habitat, wild life trade, competition with domestic and nonnative animals and overhunting. But it also shares ways of how we can protect endangered species.

Although, it discusses the important parts of endangered spices there were still limitations and no validation from someone that has more credibility on the subject. This passage clearly expresses what they want the reader to know but don't have sources to back up their thinking. It also displays other stories that are closely related, in which we are trying to focus on one subject. Scholarly Source: The scholarly source that I have chosen talks about how animals have become or are becoming extinct of the past couple of years, and how some organizations are helping to stop the numbers from becoming dangerously low.

They used many sources that information about how many animals are left or how fast they are dying off. This is vital information that makes the article more valid. There was the usage of people that were affiliated or taught at universities where they have spent many years learning about the subject have expert information about it. Some of the things that were in the scholarly source that wasn't in the popular source was: the use of professionals such as university professors, and field works that had statistical information. It was also evident that the scholarly source had lots of data to help show the reader how fast extinction was happening, and the cause of the extinction is happening.

Citations are big when using other sources and the scholarly source cited within their work, but the popular source didn't use citations because they did not use outside sources to back up their information. The scholarly source used illustrations for their writing but it was only for statistical purposes while the popular source had other pictures and videos that were related but pertained to something other than the subject I was reading about. Reference Barnes, S. (2017). A world without animals: the sixth great extinction is happening now, with profound consequences for our planet. New Statesman, (5382). 30. Nilsson, G. (2018). Endangered species. In World Book Advanced.

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