
Gen 499 - overcoming digital divide is a complicated task

Final Argumentative Essay Progress

Review your classmate post and respond to your peer, response to your classmate, offer some other solutions to the global societal issue that weren't already addressed.

Discussion response

Overcoming digital divide is a complicated task that is present on a global level. The rapid growth of technological advancement has left some populations behind, as computers, smartphones, and newer technology has made it difficult for some to keep up in the age of information technology.

"This so-called 'age of information' has revolutionized every facet of society, including the medical, industrial, and educational ?elds" (Roman2004, p1).

In countries like South Africa, like the United States, organizations are not only trying to understand the implications of access gaps but how to address the issue.

For example, in South Africa, there are two confronting issues of the digital divide: the problem within a developing nation and issues of skills and resources (Roman, 2004).

Therefore, like the United States, more research is needed because of the implications of the access gap affecting digital divide.

Digital divide affecting the older generation can be decreased with programs that focus on motivational access, materials access, skills access, and actual usage. Through these programs, the aging population will be better equipped to overcome the digital divide.

The older population, age 65 and older are feeling the biggest burden of the divide, some more than others.

They feel the effects of not being as prepared for employment as the younger generation. Also, entertainment, connectedness, independence, and overall well-being are implicated with this population.

Surprisingly, a source pointed out that only 16% of the older population obtain news from the internet. The primary source of information was: watch television: 36%; read newspapers, magazines, and books: 25%; friends or family: 16%; radio: 7%; internet: 16% (Delello & McWhorter, 2017). Delello, J. A., McWhorter, R.R. (2017). Reducing the Digital Divide: Connecting Older Adults to iPad Technology.

Journal of Applied Gerontology. 36(1), 3-28. DOI: 10.1177/0733464815589985 Nyahodza, L., Higgs, Richard. (2017).

Towards bridging the digital divide in post-apartheid South Africa: a case of a historically disadvantaged university in Cape Town. Roman, S.P. (2004). Illiteracy and older adults: individual and societal implications. Educational Gerontology. DOI: 10.1080/03601270490266257

General Education Text: Bhargava, V. K. (2006). Introduction to global issues. In V. K. Bhargava (Ed.), Global issues for global citizens: An introduction to key development challenges

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