
Gen 499 - general education capstone - review a job

Review your classmate post, and respond to your peer. In your response, provided feedback on the different skills your peers have acquired that would make them successful in their chosen career field.

Discussion response

Review a job description through a job website (e.g., Career Builder, Monster, etc.) in your desired career field and identify at least five skills you have obtained through your general education courses that will make you successful at this job. During my learning experience here at Ashford University i have been given the opportunity to find ways to communicate with people in a respectful manner. Every class gives you the chance to voice your opinion and it is respected amongst classmates, but the same respect has to be given back. A class that helped me better understand diversity within the work place is industrial organization.

If you want to be in management this is a class that will help you to better understand and deal with diversity within the work place. In management you have to be able to deal with different personalities and this class has opened my eyes to a different perspective of how situations should be handled especially with diversity.

Most of my psychology classes help to differentiate, understand and deal with different personalities normal and abnormal. A class that is not part of my major that will help me to be successful in my career is history.

History has a way of showing peoples custom beliefs and some people hold strong to their heritage and continue their heritage legacy for many generations. So, knowing about different cultures would help me to understand other's beliefs and deescalate the problem if there is one.

All writing assignments has also helped because you have to have strong writing skills and Ashford has given me many resources to help better my writing skills. Ashford University overall has helped to further my career in more ways than one. With my new skills that I have learned from Ashford I have taught myself to be more understanding of others needs because with everyone being different and unique, their needs may be different than mine. I have taken these skills and applied them to my own life such as respecting diversity, within my work environment there are people there that are all different and when situations come up I look at not only my perspective but theirs as well. My co-workers have seen the change and it works better to have an understanding of others perspectives instead of making others think how you think.

I also have applied it to my personal life, with my children I want to be more open with them so that they trust me with there thoughts and feelings. Overall, Ashford has taught me that every person is different and everyone doesn't think the same so I have to have an open mind when conversing with others. Describe your plans for putting your education to use within your community. I want to help change the world I have five children that have to live in the future when I am dead and gone, but the way that we treat the earth now I'm not sure if there is a future for them. I want to be able to change the world, but it takes money to do even that. But to start with the small things.

I want to plant as many trees as I can, giving away free trees to anyone that will allow me to plant them in their yard. As I have said we are using up our sources faster than we can give back, so with the plantation of trees any and everywhere it will help to purify the air that we breath. This will only be affective if they are deciduous trees planted. Where I live they plant pine tree's but those trees don't help purify the air. So, for me I have to take baby steps and I plant fruit trees in my yard every year. I want to plant an orchard so that I can give away my chemical free fruits to those that can't afford to buy organic but want to eat organic.

My thoughts don't stop just there but like I said it takes money to do anything so, I have to take baby steps and then go bigger. Overall my ultimate goal is to make a difference in the world for my children's future.

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Dissertation: Gen 499 - general education capstone - review a job
Reference No:- TGS02627300

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