
Gen-150 behavioural sciences assignment questions summarize

Behavioural Sciences Assignment Questions:

Q1. Summarize the theory of reconstructive memory as it relates to eyewitness testimony. What does the research suggest about the use of such testimony from children?

Q2. Describe two factors that can reduce the validity of the traditional interview.

Q3. How do rewards affect intrinsic motivation?

Q4. Define social support, and discuss the four models that have been proposed to measure it.

Q5. Distinguish between negative and positive life changes in terms of the amount of stress they produce.

Q6. To what extent does culture affect the type and amount of violence one observes in a society?

Q7. Describe how moods, both good and bad, affect helping.

Q8. Explain the basic premise of social exchange theory, and describe one prediction about intimate relationships derived from this theory.

Q9. Describe three key structural features of groups. 

Q10. A council meeting has produced heated debate about an issue. Most of the members of the council hold one opinion, but a few hold another. During a break in the meeting, the members of the council who have the minority opinion call you for advice as to the best way to influence the majority of the council. Based on social psychological research, particularly concerning the dual-process approach, what should you advise them to do?

Q11. According to the theory of planned behavior, how do attitudes influence behavior?

Q12. Describe two ways in which gender stereotypes are strengthened and maintained.

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Science: Gen-150 behavioural sciences assignment questions summarize
Reference No:- TGS01604902

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