
Ged 130 introduction to civilizationbartholomeu dias failed

GED 130 Introduction to Civilization

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Bartholomeu Dias failed to complete a sea voyage to India because

a. he died of malaria after rounding the Cape of Good Hope
b. he miscalculated the distance and ended up in the New World
c. his sailors insisted on returning home
d. he was attacked by pirates in the Mediterranean Sea

2. What unusual title did Isabella, a woman, insist on being called as ruler of Castile?

a. prince
b. king
c. pope
d. great mother

3. Which man finally accomplished what Columbus set out and failed to do?

a. Ferdinand Magellan
b. Bartholomeu Dias
c. Pedro Alvares Cabral
d. Vasco da Gama

4. Portugal established a trading post in China at

a. Macao
b. Kilwa
c. Canton
d. Beijing

5. The two viceroyalties in Spanish America prior to 1717 were

a. California and Mexico
b. Louisiana and Peru
c. Peru and New Spain
d. New Spain and Argentina

6. The most important Catholic sacraments were baptism, the Eucharist, and

a. penance
b. last rites
c. matrimony
d. ordination

7. Which of these explains the popularity among nobles of Luther's Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation?

a. It called for German nobles to seize Church property.
b. It called for adherence to the Catholic Church.
c. It justified the Peasants' Revolt.
d. It asserted that those of high birth are more likely to be saved.

8. Which man spread Calvinist doctrine to Scotland?

a. John Wyclif
b. Huldrych Zwingli
c. Thomas Cranmer
d. John Knox

9. Which monarch was Protestant?

a. Queen Mary of England
b. Catherine de Medicis
c. King Philip II of Spain
d. Queen Elizabeth of England

10. Why was Catholicism more successful than Protestantism in spreading around the world?

a. the influence of the Spanish and Portuguese empires
b. the lack of competition from monotheistic religions
c. the lack of the missionary impulse among Protestants
d. the preference of Muslims for converting to Catholicism rather than Protestantism

11. Oda Nobunaga began but did not complete the process of

a. restoring the authority of the emperor
b. unifying Japan
c. destroying the daimyo class
d. establishing the shogunate

12. Who exercised real power in Japan in the 1600s?

a. the shogun
b. the daimyo
c. the samurai
d. the emperor

13. Who were the geisha in Japan?

a. samurai wives
b. singers, dancers, and courtesans
c. concubines of the emperor
d. women of the daimyo class

14. Around 1550, European incursions into mainland Asia were

a. under Japanese control
b. unlimited
c. growing rapidly
d. controlled by China

15. As a result of the Manchu decline, who gained a foothold in Vietnam?

a. France
b. Portugal
c. Japan
d. England

16. When did Portuguese explorers first reach India?

a. 1460s
b. 1490s
c. 1530s
d. 1570s

17. Which of these made it so difficult for South and Southeast Asians to understand the motives of the Europeans they dealt with?

a. The European religions were so different from the local religions.
b. The motives of various European groups were so sharply varied.
c. European commercial practices were hard for Indians and Southeast Asians to understand.
d. The European interest in trade was hard to understand for devout Muslims and Hindus.

18. In the face of European encroachment in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, rivalry between Muslims and Hindus in India

a. made India vulnerable
b. ended
c. led to a Buddhist resurgence
d. led to a new religious synthesis

19. In which of these efforts was Nadir Shah successful?

a. reconciling Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims under his rule
b. ending Mughal rule of all India
c. establishing a lasting dynasty
d. bringing stability to Persia

20. What was the status of the Ottoman Empire in the 1800s?

a. modernized and revived
b. weakened and challenged by reform movements
c. torn by Wahhabism and economically weak
d. divided but modernized

21. What was Ibn Khaldun's assessment of African slavery?

a. Slavery was an evil institution that should be resisted by any means necessary.
b. Black people accepted slavery because they had a low degree of humanity.
c. Since black people comprised the majority in Africa, they should rebel and then enslave white people.
d. Slavery was ordained by God as a way to keep social order.

22. What percentage of all slaves shipped across the Atlantic from Africa went to what is now the United States?

a. almost 50 percent
b. about 10 percent
c. almost 70 percent
d. less than 5 percent

23. The Songhai Empire was established after the decline of

a. Kongo
b. Ethiopia
c. Morocco
d. Mali

24. Afonso I came to regret his Portuguese connection after he saw the disastrous results of

a. smallpox
b. slave trading
c. the break with Islamic traders
d. the Crusades

25. "Mwene Mutapa" means

a. master conqueror
b. slave owner
c. greatest king
d. runaway slave

26. Who was the chief minister during the childhood reign of Louis XIV?

a. the Queen Mother
b. Pope Pius IV
c. Cardinal Richelieu
d. Cardinal Mazarin

27. Where was Prussia located?

a. in the center of the Holy Roman Empire
b. along the Baltic Sea
c. between Austria and Hungary
d. just north of Italy

28. What constituted the Eleven Years' Tyranny under Charles I?

a. royal support for Anglicanism
b. the suspension of common law
c. royal rule without Parliament
d. the suspension of justice

29. Who came to the throne in the Glorious Revolution?

a. Charles I
b. Charles II
c. James II
d. William and Mary

30. Who wrote Discourse on Method?

a. Rend Descartes
b. John Locke
c. Thomas Hobbes
d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

31. Mongol rule in Russia was typified by

a. indirect, tolerant rule
b. strong direct control
c. harsh oppression
d. religious toleration, under tight political control

32. Filofei promoted the idea of Moscow as the

a. center of Asian commerce
b. commercial hub of Rome
c. Third Rome
d. greatest European military power

33. Which of these chose the first Romanovs tsar?

a. a coalition of boyars
b. the Zemskii Sobor
c. the Cossacks
d. the Patriarch of Moscow

34. Russians generally referred to all Europeans as

a. French
b. infidels
c. Germans
d. papists

35. The "Potemkin villages" were located

a. along the border with Poland
b. in lands taken from the Ottomans
c. in the marshes of St. Petersburg
d. in Siberia

36. According to John Locke, from whom do governments get their power?

a. God
b. people they rule
c. royal families
d. armies

37. The two names of the Seven Years' War reflect the war's

a. geographic scope
b. unusually high death toll
c. focus on commercial routes
d. origins in Asia

38. Representing 98 percent of the population, the Third Estate was given what proportion of votes in the Estates General?

a. one-quarter
b. one-third
c. one-half
d. three-quarters

39. During the French Revolution, wearing long trousers, instead of breeches, showed support for

a. the nobility
b. the military
c. commoners
d. the war effort

40. Saint-Domingue is today known as

a. Cuba
b. Jamaica
c. Puerto Rico
d. Haiti

41. Who are the proletariat?

a. a group of land-owning nobles
b. factory owners
c. farmers and sharecroppers
d. landless workers

42. Where was the Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations held in 1851?

a. Berlin
b. London
c. Manchester
d. Brussels

43. The political labels "left" and "right" derived from seating in

a. the Congress of Vienna
b. the French National Assembly
c. the British Parliament
d. Russian Duma

44. Like nationalism, Romanticism was

a. a political movement
b. a strong unifying political force
c. a rejection of the Enlightenment
d. dedicated to reason

45. In Britain, the Reform Act of 1867

a. allowed working-class men to vote
b. established female suffrage
c. reduced the workweek to five days
d. abolished slavery

46. The name given to Spanish colonists born in the Americas was

a. criollos
b. peninsulares
c. mestizos
d. caudillos

47. What were the juntas?

a. rebel groups supporting Napoleon
b. pan-American congresses organized to put down the revolutions
c. provisional governments ruling in the name of Carlos IV
d. meetings of loyalists intending to free Carlos IV

48. By 1825,

a. most of Latin America was independent
b. all of Latin America was independent
c. only Mexico was independent
d. Mexico was still part of Spain

49. Like Santa Anna, Porfirio Diaz was a

a. reformer
b. caudillo
c. Zapotec Indian
d. dictator

50. The last Latin American nation to permit slavery was

a. Chile
b. Brazil
c. Mexico
d. Peru

51. "Coolies" was a disparaging term used for poor

a. Japanese workers sent abroad
b. Chinese workers sent abroad
c. Vietnamese workers sent abroad
d. European workers sent abroad

52. Japan agreed to open ports to American trade because

a. the samurai insisted on trade with American merchants
b. Japan's isolationist policies were destroying the economy
c. the Americans had military and navy technology that Japan lacked
d. China was already trading with the United States, and Japan was afraid of falling behind

53. Which Asian country most closely emulated Western customs and adopted Western practices?

a. Japan
b. China
c. Korea
d. Vietnam

54. The largest of the Ryukyu Islands is

a. Okinawa
b. Iwo Jima
c. Nagasaki
d. Honshu

55. How did the reign of the last Chinese emperor end?

a. with Puyi's abdication
b. with Empress Dowager Cixi's death
c. in the assassination of the last emperor
d. with the election of Yuan Shikai

56. Around 1800, which of these ruled most of North Africa?

a. the Egyptian Fatimids
b. the Ottoman Empire
c. the British Empire
d. France

57. What was the status of Egypt in the late 1800s?

a. an independent nation under a sultan
b. an autonomous part of the Ottoman Empire
c. under the direct authority of the Ottoman sultan
d. under British rule, though nominally independent

58. Which of the Barbary States was fully independent in the early 1800s?

a. Tunis
b. Algeria
c. Tripoli
d. Morocco

59. The Sokoto Caliphate arose in the interior of

a. North Africa
b. West Africa
c. South Africa
d. Central Africa

60. The creation of quinine was revolutionary in the treatment and prevention of

a. smallpox
b. measles
c. malaria
d. polio

61. Which of these nations remained neutral in World War I?

a. Belgium
b. Finland
c. Greece
d. Portugal

62. Which of these describes the Diplomatic Revolution of 1890-1907?

a. Germany dominated European diplomacy.
b. Six nations of Europe formed alliances in a dangerous equilibrium of power.
c. Russia grew stronger, forcing a shift in European diplomacy.
d. The disappearance of the Ottoman Empire threw European powers into conflict.

63. Which nation brought submarines onto the naval front in World War I?

a. Britain
b. Germany
c. Russia
d. the United States

64. The United States entered World War I primarily because of

a. defensive alliances with Britain and France
b. unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmermann Note
c. the Zimmermann Note and imperialism
d. the Lend Lease Act

65. Bulgaria's surrender had the effect of

a. strengthening Germany's southern defenses
b. weakening the Allies
c. making Germany vulnerable to the Allies via a new front
d. crippling Russia

66. According to Freud, absolute moral standards could not exist because

a. people are driven by unconscious instincts
b. people behave according to the influences of the environment
c. there is no god
d. people could never meet such high standards

67. After World War I, public sentiment in the United States favored

a. active participation in the League of Nations
b. expansion
c. isolation
d. creation of a new international league to replace the League of Nations

68. The Great Depression came to an end because of

a. the election of Herbert Hoover
b. the reopening of banks
c. World War II
d. the rising stock market

69. Which phrase best describes Kristallnacht?

a. Hitler's population growth program
b. a division of the Hitler Youth organization
c. a brief battle with the communists in Berlin
d. an attack on Jewish businesses and homes

70. Who was the first president of the Congo?

a. Joseph Kasa Vubu
b. Simon Kimbangu
c. Marcus Garvey
d. Leopold Senghor

71. Which countries supported Franco in the Spanish Civil War?

a. Britain and France
b. Portugal and Holland
c. Belgium and Portugal
d. Germany and Italy

72. Chamberlain boasted of finally achieving "peace in our time" after

a. the signing of the Versailles Treaty
b. the Paris Peace Conference
c. concluding the Munich Treaty
d. the D-day invasion

73. Which of these remained neutral in World War II?

a. Sweden
b. Bulgaria
c. Austria
d. Vichy France

74. The Japanese, during World War II, claimed to be acting to

a. spread democracy
b. combat Communism
c. rid Asia of Western imperialists
d. bring peace to Asia

75. Rommel's defeat in Africa was largely due to

a. Hitler's failure to send reinforcements requested by Rommel
b. superior British and American resources
c. lack of military planning
d. incompetent strategy

76. Which of these countries had the most success in evacuating its Jewish population to safety?

a. Denmark
b. Belgium
c. Switzerland
d. Poland

77. The Cold War was an ideological conflict between Communism and

a. democracy
b. capitalism
c. socialism
d. collectivism

78. In the context of fighting in World War II, the Allies' position at the Potsdam conference, compared to the Yalta conference, can be characterized as

a. secure
b. weak
c. precarious
d. disastrous

79. Who was Patrice Lumumba, and why did the United States oppose him?

a. He was the leader of Egypt, and he was sympathetic to Khrushchev.
b. He was the president of the Congo, and he was supported by the USSR.
c. He was the leader of Czechoslovakia, and he was a Communist.
d. He was the leader of the EU, and he wanted to allow membership to Communist nations.
80. The purpose of the Common Market was to allow Western European countries to
a. contain Communism
b. crush anti-Communist rebellions
c. counter the effects of the Marshall Plan
d. compete on a global level

81. In the Soviet Union, which of these compared favorably with conditions in the United States?

a. products available to consumers
b. civil liberties
c. opportunities for women
d. economic opportunity for entrepreneurs

82. During which year did many Eastern European nations overthrow Communist governments and adopt democracy?

a. 1975
b. 1980
c. 1985
d. 1989

83. Why did the Muslim League initially oppose Indian independence?

a. Independence would weaken the economic power of Muslims in India.
b. Any Indian state would have a Hindu majority.
c. Independence would bring conflict with Burma.
d. Gandhi's plan for independence involved a secular state.

84. Which of these was the third nation created in 1971 on the Indian subcontinent?

a. India
b. Nepal
c. Afghanistan
d. Bangladesh

85. What was the state of civil conflict in China in 1945?

a. The Communists were the clear winners in the civil conflict.
b. The country was divided between Nationalists and Communists.
c. The Soviets had assured the victory of the Nationalists.
d. A truce ended the conflict, giving dominance to the Nationalists.

86. Beginning in the 1950s, Korea was split into two halves, the division being based on

a. political ideology
b. historical differences
c. the results of World War II
d. religious differences

87. Who was responsible for the Cambodian genocide?

a. the People's Republic of Kampuchea
b. Vietnamese rule
c. the Khmer Rouge
d. Ho Chi Minh

88. Vietnam was reunified with a Communist victory in

a. 1975
b. 1987
c. 1989
d. 1998

89. By 1900, Argentina had linked to the global economy primarily by

a. encouraging tax-free investments
b. exporting agricultural products
c. exporting inexpensive manufactured goods
d. providing inexpensive labor to industrialized nations

90. Which two Latin American nations played the most significant roles in World War II?

a. Chile and Argentina
b. Mexico and Brazil
c. Chile and Brazil
d. Argentina and Brazil

91. The Good Neighbor Policy represented a

a. policy of economic sanctions
b. move away from interference in Latin American internal affairs
c. shift to gunboat diplomacy
d. move toward deeper involvement in Latin American politics

92. Brazil's greatest national celebrity from the late 1950s to today is Pele, who won fame as a

a. mayor of Rio de Janeiro
b. wealthy industrialist
c. movie star
d. soccer player

93. Which statement best describes the Pinochet regime?

a. It was a popular democratic Argentine government.
b. It was a violent and oppressive Chilean government.
c. It was a left-wing regime in Brazil.
d. It ended with a violent revolution.

94. In Brazil, higher education is reserved to a tiny minority, with what effect?

a. The country has experienced a "brain drain."
b. Industrialization has been slow in Brazil.
c. Social mobility is severely curtailed.
d. High-tech companies tend not to thrive in the country.

95. What was the purpose of the meeting called by Charles de Gaulle at Brazzaville in 1944?

a. to discuss autonomy in areas under French rule
b. to raise troops for World War II
c. to announce immediate decolonization
d. to demand greater French authority over its African colonies

96. De Gaulle believed that Algeria should be granted independence because

a. Muslim resistance was too great
b. he believed that colonial holdings were no longer necessary
c. he believed that the cost of maintaining the African territories was too great
d. Algeria helped France in World War I and World War II

97. After apartheid, the first black African president of South Africa was

a. Daniel Malan
b. Nelson Mandela
c. Oliver Tambo
d. Kenneth Kaunda

98. The assassination of King Abdullah of Jordan showed that it was dangerous for Middle Eastern leaders to

a. support radicals
b. make their positions clear
c. show moderation
d. wage war on Egypt

99. Islamic reformism was especially opposed to
a. Wahhabism
b. Islamic modernism
c. Islamic revival
d. traditional Islam

100. Which country became the most powerful Persian Gulf nation as a result of the toppling of Saddam Hussein's government?

a. Iran
b. United Arab Emirates
c. Saudi Arabia
d. Kuwait

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