
Gay adoption

1.) Gay adoption (Gay couples or gay singles adopting)
2.) How going to college keeps getting more expensive (the risen interest level on student loans/the increase in school prices) 

Before you start writing, you need to think. Come up with TWO possible topics that interest you and that meet the assignment guidelines (READ the final project & I-Search assignment sheets). After reading the assignment sheets, the assigned textbook chapters, and any other assigned resources, you need to choose two strong topics. Then you will write a one-page topic proposal (one page for each topic) that explains what you intend to investigate regarding the topic. Remember that after concluding your research, you will be writing a paper that argues for a position based on said research. The following questions can help focus your perspective on your potential topic choices, but remember the topic proposals will be two one-page papers, not just lists. Keep the ultimate purpose of what you're doing in mind. The end result of this project will be an academic paper, so use appropriate language and ensure that your proposals meets the standards outlined in the assignment guidelines and your course texts.

• What is the topic? (Maybe use the first paragraph to fully explain the topic & its connections?)
• What do I already know about this topic?
• What would I like to discover about this topic? These are your research questions.
• What could I argue or prove about this topic?
• Why would anyone else care? (How might I create common ground or public resonance/connections 

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English: Gay adoption
Reference No:- TGS060449

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