
Gardners theory of multiple intelligences

Prior to completing this journal, review the section on Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences, watch the videos Multiple intelligence and Environmental and genetic affects on intelligence.

For this assignment, make a 500-1000 word journal entry which comprises the following:

Reflect and comment on what kind of intelligence you feel you embody and why. Take this learning styles quiz and report your results in the journal. How did your perception and the test outcomes differ? How are your intelligence kind and learning style similar, if at all? If they don't seem to be related, describe why you think that is. How has your intelligence type or your learning style benefited you in your development, and in what ways has it held you back? How does being aware of your intelligence kind and learning style relate to your sense of the value of continued learning? In what manner might it promote your success in your educational journey?

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Other Subject: Gardners theory of multiple intelligences
Reference No:- TGS015669

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