Question 1. We have all heard the saying "Garbage In, Garbage Out". By now you likely realize that the measurements taken during a research study have limitations. As we discovered while practicing our operationalization of variables we often need to work with measures which have varying levels of accuracy and precision.In your own words, discuss these terms:
a) What is Validity (Accuracy)?
b) What are the various types of Validity?
c) What is Reliability (Precision)
d) What are the various types of Reliability?
Question 2. One of the problems in developing rating scales is the choice of response terms or the response scale to use.
Below are samples of some widely used scaling codes. What problems might there be with each type?
a) Yes--Depends--No
b) Excellent--Good--Fair--Poor
c) Excellent--Good--Average--Fair--Poor
d) Strongly Approve--Approve--Uncertain--Disapprove--Strongly Disapprove
Question 3. Why is the survey technique so popular? When is it not appropriate?
Question 4.Consider a few of these pairs of terms. In your own words, distinguish between:
a) Statistic and parameter
b) Sample frame and population
c) Restricted and unrestricted sampling
d) Simple random and complex random sampling
e) Convenience and purposive sampling
f) Sample precision and sample accuracy
g) Systematic and error variance
h) Variable and attribute parameters
i) Proportionate and disproportionate samples
Question 5. Scenario:
A major corporation agrees to sponsor an internal study on sexual harassment in the workplace. This particular survey is being conducted in response to concerns expressed by its female employees.
Consider the following issues which will likely arise in this type of study?
(a) What is the intended purpose of this study: fact finding, awareness, relationship building, and/or change? (Note: it is usually not economical to try to do all things in a single study).
(b) What communication approach would you use (e.g., self-administered, telephone, personal interview, and/or mixed)?
(c) How would you handle participant motivation? In other words, how would you best get people to participate?
(d) How would you minimize Response and Nonresponse error.
Caution: Stay on Topic. Sometimes it is tempting in this thread to make postings regarding the general topic of sexual harassment. Remember the focus of this discussion is to be on Survey Development with consideration given to the four questions listed. Substantive credit ratings will not be earned for postings that do not address research, survey development, participant motivation, response/nonresponse error, etc.