
Game theory and competitive strategy

Need assistance because I am having a hard time putting this together. Can you please help me with this article review?

Here are the topics:

- Game Theory and Competitive Strategy

- Regulation, Public Goods and Benefit-Cost Analysis

- Decision Making Under Uncertainty

- The Value of Information

- Asymmetric Information & Organizational Design

- Bargaining and Negotiation

Choose a peer-reviewed, scholarly article from the Myers Library online databases. Write a review and reaction paper on that article. Your paper should include a summary of the article, as well as your reaction to it. Consider aspects of the article that you agree with as well as those that you disagree with. Describe anything that you found particularly surprising or interesting, as well.

Potential Sources:

Market Structure and Competition in the Retail Discount Industry:

By: Zhu, Ting; Singh, Vishal; Manuszak, Mark D. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR). Aug2009, Vol. 46 Issue 4, p453-466. 14p. 7 Charts, 1 Map. DOI: 10.1509/jmkr.46.4.453.

Repositioning Dynamics and Pricing Strategy:

By: Ellickson, Paul B; Misra, Sanjog; Nair, Harikesh S. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR). Dec2012, Vol. 49 Issue 6, p750-772. 23p. 6 Black and White Photographs, 12 Charts. DOI: 10.1509/jmr.11.0068.

Oligopolistic Pricing with Online Search:

By: Xu, Lizhen; Chen, Jianqing; Whinston, Andrew. Journal of Management Information Systems. Winter2010, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p111-142. 32p. 1 Diagram, 2 Charts, 2 Graphs.


By: MARKMAN, GIDEON D.; GIANIODIS, PETER T.; BUCHHOLTZ, ANN K. Academy of Management Review. Jul2009, Vol. 34 Issue 3, p423-441. 19p. 3 Diagrams, 1 Chart. DOI: 10.5465/AMR.2009.40632072.


By: Robinson, Lisa A. Duke Law Journal 2013/05/01, Vol: 62, p1717

Are Public Employees Overpaid?

By: Keefe, Jeffrey. Labor Studies Journal. Mar2012, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p104-126. 23p. DOI: 10.1177/0160449X11429263.

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Other Management: Game theory and competitive strategy
Reference No:- TGS01755282

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