
Future trends in training scoring guide grading rubric

Future Trends in Training Scoring Guide Grading Rubric Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Discuss two future trends and how the influence of these trends would affect the strategic needs in an organization''s training program.
33% Does not discuss two future trends and how the influence of these trends would affect the strategic needs in a given organization's training program. Discusses two future trends and how the influence of these trends would affect the strategic needs in a given organization's training program, but the discussion is minimal or lacks clarity. Discusses two future trends and how the influence of these trends would affect the strategic needs in a given organization's training program. Discusses two future trends and how the influence of these trends would affect the strategic needs in a given organization's training program and provides a through description and a supporting rationale.
Explain how future trends might influence training in a given company.
34% Does not explain how future trends might influence training in a given company. Explains how future trends might influence training in a given company, but the explanation lacks detail or clarity. Explains how future trends might influence training in a given company. Explains how future trends might influence training in a given company and provides a through explanation and a supporting rationale.
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of two selected future trends about training.
33% Does not explain the strengths and weaknesses of two selected future trends about training. Explains the strengths and weaknesses of two selected future trends about training, but the explanation lacks detail or clarity. Explains the strengths and weaknesses of two selected future trends about training. Explains the strengths and weaknesses of two selected future trends about training and provides a supporting rationale or examples.

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Business Management: Future trends in training scoring guide grading rubric
Reference No:- TGS0634646

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