Fur stages of testing

Lesson Overview:

The four stages of testing are: ( 1) Test Planning, ( 2 ) Conducting the Tes t, { 3 ) Evaluating and Analyzing Test Results, and {4 ) Reporting Tes t Results. This lesson provides you with important infonnation about the first of the four stages of testing: Test Planning.

Upon completing this lesson, you’ll be able to identify key aspects of Tes t Pl anning. This includes:

• I dentifying the fou r s tages of testing;

• Describing the key e lements of a Test Plan ;

• Recogni zing how c apabilities are translated in to test criteria ;

• Describ ing typical t es t planning metrics;

• I dentifying guideli nes for test management;

• Identifying T&E W!PT key members and their roles;

• Creating an Outline Test Plan for a given system.

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