
Fuorescence in situ hybridization fish is a technique

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a technique wherechromosomes on a slide can be denatured, allowing single-strandedDNA probes labelled with a fluorescent dye to anneal to genomicDNA.

For each of the following fluorescent probe DNAs, draw a humanchromosome in metaphase and indicate how the chromosome will bestained by hybridization of the probe:

- a single copy gene

- rDNA (ribosomal RNA genes, assume it is one of the 5 humanchromosomes with rDNA)

- a high copy transposon dispersed throughout the genome

- telomeric DNA

- very high copy satellite DNA with a repeat unit of about 180bp

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Biology: Fuorescence in situ hybridization fish is a technique
Reference No:- TGS0797688

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