
Fungi are found primarily in which of the following

1. The simultaneous use of both organic and inorganic forms of carbon is called

A. osmotrophy B. omnitrophy C. mixotrophy D. metatrophy

2. When protists feed on solid nutrients such as bacteria by phagocytosis, they are said to be using ____________ nutrition.

A. saprozoic B. holozoic C. endozoic D. parasitic

3. All photosynthetic protists

A. carry out aerobic photosynthesis using two photosystems

B. carry out aerobic photosynthesis using one photosystem

C. carry out anaerobic photosynthesis using two photosystems

D. carry out anaerobic photosynthesis using one photosystem

4. A trophozoite is a life cycle stage involved in

A. dormancy.

B. nutrient gathering and growth.

C. passage between hosts.

D. sexual reproduction.

5. The pellicle of a Euglena cell consists of

A. glycoprotein

B. polysaccharide

C. peptidoglycan

D. protein strips and microtubules

6. Which of the following is found in the intestine of termites and produces enzymes needed to digest wood particles?

A. Giardia

B. Trichomonas

C. Trichonymphida

D. Nyctotherus

7. All protists

A. are capable of cellular locomotion.

B. can reproduce asexually.

C. possess cilia or flagella.

D. are free-living organisms.

8. Sexual reproduction in the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum involves the production of special spores called

A. amoeba flagellates

B. macrocysts

C. sporozoites

D. discoidia

9. Foraminifera are a type of protist that

A. help in estimating the age of ocean deposits.

B. move by means of flagella.

C. cause malaria.

D. are associated with human disease.

10. Most radiolaria have an internal skeleton made of

A. microtubules

B. glycoproteins

C. cellulose D. siliceous material

11. Some ciliophora can discharge toxic threadlike darts called ___________ which are used in capturing prey.

A. spikes

B. spicules

C. toxicysts

D. toxipodia

12. Which of the following groups is responsible for toxic red tides?

A. dinoflagellates

B. diatoms

C. trypanosomes

D. foraminifera

13. If plants originated from an organism like Chlamydomonas, then the origin of plants involved the loss of

A. chloroplasts.

B. microtubules.

C. cell walls.

D. flagella.

14. Fungi are found primarily in which of the following environments?

A. marine

B. freshwater

C. terrestrial

D. arboreal

15. Diseases in animals caused by fungi are called

A. funguses.

B. mycoses.

C. dictyoses.

D. cystoses.

16. Fungi digest macromolecules by

A. phagocytosis.

B. intracellular digestion.

C. extracellular enzyme activity.

D. active transport.

17. Fungi

A. are eukaryotic organisms.

B. produce chlorophyll under aerobic conditions.

C. are prokaryotes or eukaryotes, depending on the species.

D. produce chlorophyll under aerobic conditions and are prokaryotes or eukaryotes, depending on the species .

18. Fungi

A. absorb nutrients from the environment.

B. take in food by phagocytosis.

C. generate ATP and reducing equivalents by photosynthesis.

D. all of these

19. The common bread mold Rhizopus stolonifer belongs to the

A. Zygomycota.

B. Ascomycota.

C. Basidiomycota.

D. Glomeromycota.

20. Asexual reproduction is common in the filamentous ascomycetes and is associated with the production of

A. basidia.

B. conidia.

C. ascospores.

D. zoospores.

21. The sac fungi are distinguished from all other groups of fungi because their reproductive structures are

A. inside an ascus.

B. borne on basidia.

C. zygospores.

D. motile.

22. Asexual spores such as conidia develop by the process of

A. meiosis.

B. mitosis.

C. parthenogenesis. D. fission.

23. The hallucinogen LSD is a product of

A. yeasts.

B. zygomycetes.

C. ascomycetes.

D. basidiomycetes.

24. The ascomycetes are named for their characteristic reproductive structure called a(n)

A. hypha.

B. ascus.

C. thallus.

D. ascocarp.

25. The fruiting body of members of the Basidiomycota can produce millions of

A. gametes.

B. spores.

C. rhizoids.

D. zygotes.

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Biology: Fungi are found primarily in which of the following
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