
Fundraising and financial management


The two organizations I chose are the following:

1. Bronx Connect: Urban Youth Alliance


2. Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment Services: CASES


Please read carefully

Research Paper Instructions:

1. Must be 15-pages

2. Must use APA style (with inline citations)

3. Should compares two nonprofit organizations with similar missions(given above).

4. The paper will describe the two organizations and apply theories and concepts from the textbook:

"Nonprofit Management: Principles and Practice" 4th edition


3. Specifically, the paper should examine the organizations' mission statements, as well as challenges the organizations have faced in managing in at least two of the following areas(will have to research this or just be creative):

o Personnel or volunteers,

o Executive leadership,

o Board development

o Fundraising and/or financial management

o Strategic management

4. Should include a mix of academic (peer reviewed) research and information from popular media accounts (newspapers, internal reports, magazines, and organizational websites - should all be American-based).

5. The information from popular media accounts should be used to gather general information to "tell their stories." This is where you'll find information about the organization's history, the groups and individuals served, mission, successes (potentially its struggles).

There are essentially two parts to this paper:

The first part is a narrative about the organizations. The first part describes the organizations: their mission, history, purpose, size, age, geographic or other territorial mandate, target population, funding sources and other such demographics as you think would be helpful to the reader. If any of these have changed significantly, you'll want to include it here. You'll also want to discuss how the two are related - do they have similar missions, but differ in their geographic focus? Do the organizations compete with one another? Do they collaborate?

The second part requires an application of the theories and concepts from the textbook integrating the theories and concepts studied into an analysis of the two organizations. The paper should assess internal strengths and weakness, as well as external opportunities and threats facing both organizations.

When discussing the managerial concepts, it is important to include references from peer reviewed journal articles (often students start with the ones referenced in the text).

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Business Management: Fundraising and financial management
Reference No:- TGS01791664

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