
Fundamentals of aerodynamics assignment - write isentropic

Fundamentals of Aerodynamics Assignment -

Question 1 - Attempt any eight questions

i. Define Mach number and write formula.

ii. What do you understand by stagnation?

iii. Write isentropic relations for pressure, temperature and density.

iv. What is the value of Mach number at throat in convergent-divergent nozzle?

v. Define nozzle and diffuser.

vi. Differentiate between adiabatic and isentropic flow.

vii. Write any two assumptions made for Fanno flow.

viii. What is Fanno flow?

ix. Define Fanning's coefficient of skin friction and give the formula.

x. Calculate the velocity of sound for air (γ = 1.4 and R = 0.287 kJ/kgK) at temperature 340K?

xi. Define Crocco number.

xii. Using gas table, calculate the stagnation temperature at T = 300 K, M = 1.4 and γ = 1.3?

Question 2 - a) Write short notes on -

i. Mach angle

ii. Mach cone

iii. Zone of silence

b) The pressure, temperature and Mach number at the entry of a flow passage are 2.45 bar, 26.5oC and 1.4 respectively. If the exit Mach number is 2.5, determine for adiabatic flow of a perfect gas (γ = 1.3 and R = 0.469 kJ/kg K):

i. Stagnation temperature,

ii. Temperature and velocity of gas at exit, and

iii. The flow rate per square meter of the inlet cross-section.


Question 2 - Prove that -

M*2 = (½(γ+1)M2)/(1+½(γ-1)M2)  

Question 3 - Explain Fanno curve with neat sketch.


Question 3 - a) Prove that - T*/T = 2/(γ+1) + ((γ-1)/(γ+1))M2

b) Superheated steam is supplied to a supersonic nozzle at the design flow rate of 1.0 kg/s (per cm2 of the throat area). If the stagnation temperature of steam is 800 K, determine the stagnation pressure of the steam required for this flow rate. Take R = 0.477 kJ/kg K, γ = 1.278 for steam. Assume isentropic flow.

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