
Fundamental to understanding what do you see as potential

Module Overview:

Fundamental to understanding global business is knowledge of the types of economic systems in which countries operate. Economies can be quickly and easily characterized into three main types: communism, socialism or capitalism which are also referred to as centrally planned, mixed, and free market economies.

The primary differences among these types of economies are in the behaviors and attitudes towards ownership of property and the planning techniques employed by the government.

In a centrally planned economy, the government owns most or all of the resources of production and plans the production of consumer and other products goods and services. In a free market economy, the ownership of resources is in the hands of private individuals or organizations, taking forms such as partnerships or corporations.

The choice of production of goods and services in this system is determined through market forces, that is, the interaction between price, demand, and supply.

Module Readings and Assignment:

Complete the following readings early in the module:

•Module online lectures

•From the textbook, International business: The challenges of globalization, 8th, please read the following:

?Emerging Markets & Development

?International Trade Theory

Assignment Instructions:

Assignment: Case Analysis-Google in China

By Monday July 16, 2018. turned-in on time, Grading criteria followed All assignment qualifications addressed correctly, Grading Criteria followed, Include Question followed by the answer Reference Page Included Cover page Included, Paragraphs Indented, Running-head included, main heading should be centered; all new paragraphs should be indented; paper should be right ragged, not right justified; references, should always go on a standalone page.

Abstracts are not usually indented; acronyms should be spelled out when using them for the first time, for example HR. references as listed are APA standard. Please make sure your APA formatting of citations.

Please work on using literature within the span of the last 5 years, keep in mind there should not be any one, two, or three sentence paragraphs. Apply current APA standards for writing style to your work. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

As to your writing: review your work against the GRADING RUBIC. Be sure that ALL opinions are backed up with the experts. Research academic articles in the library. Have stronger ties to your textbook. I want to see you use the weekly theories and concepts in each assignment. Watching writing. You need to have strong intro, body, conclusion not only for your paper but for each paragraph. Watch mechanics!

Governments play an important role in business decisions and business operations. The case study in this assignment provides a fascinating view of the business environment in China.

Read the following case study:

•Google in China: Finding Creative Solutions to Cultural Differences

Analyze the case. In a 3- to 4-page case analysis, address the following questions:

•What is the basic situation described in the case? Summarize the Google experience.

•There are many cultural differences between the US and China, one highlighted in the paper is on censorship. Discuss the meaning of the Pew Internet & American Life Project about internet censorship in China.

•What do you see as potential issues with the Chinese policy of censorship when it comes to access of information?

•Hofstede's cultural dimensions model present an interesting way to evaluate the cultural differences between societies. Using the information in the article and Chapter 2 of your text discuss how use of such a tool would be of benefit to business, especially in a country such as China.

•Google's philosophy of "do no evil" seems to be greatly challenged by the Chinese policy of censorship. Present an argument either for or against Google's chosen course of action.

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Operation Management: Fundamental to understanding what do you see as potential
Reference No:- TGS02844098

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