
Fundamental paradoxes of our social life


• There are two questions. You must answer both questions.

• Each answer should be 1000 words in length. This word length is not a suggestion – it is a requirement.

• Double space all exam answers.

• Do not type or cut and paste the essay question into your answer. Simply label your answers ‘Question 1’ and ‘Question 2’.

• Your answers must be expressed ENTIRELY in your own words. Do not use direct quotes from either the readings or the lectures. You must express your ideas in your own words.

Question 1:

‘It is one of the most fundamental paradoxes of our social life that when we are at our most natural, our most everyday, we are also at our most cultural; that when we are in roles that look the most obvious and given, we are actually in roles that are constructed, learned and far from inevitable’ (Willis, 1979: 184).

Discuss Willis’ claim, with reference to relevant material covered in the lectures AND in the readings, on The Self, on Gender, and on Work. You must refer to at least one essential reading for each of the three topics, in a way that is relevant to the question and demonstrates your understanding of the material.

READINGS- The Self on Everyday life, on Gender, and on Work

Question 2:

How do the theoretical concepts and tools, and the approaches presented in this unit allow you to develop better understandings of various aspects of everyday life?

In your answer to Question 2 you should refer to relevant material covered in the first lecture, as well as other relevant concepts and theories introduced throughout the lecture series, and apply your insights to three separate weekly topic areas we have covered in this unit (but NOT the topics covered in question 1 – i.e. NOT the self, gender or work). You must also refer to at least one essential reading for each of the three topics, in a way that is relevant to the question and demonstrates your understanding of the material.

READINGS- Exploring Everyday life, Everyday Racism, and on Everyday Albeism

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