
Fundamental niche and realized niche

Question 1: What are the merits of having a generalized diet? Why do you think humans evolved as the polyphagous species? What are merits of having a specialist diet? Research the scientific literature and give an explanation of a monophagous organism.

Please post a primary post which answers the questions above. This post must be 200-300 words in length and must comprise APA-style citations for all of the literature.

Question 2: What do you mean by ecological niche? Who developed this concept and what research supported it? Define the words fundamental niche and realized niche. How can niche differentiation or complementarity experiments describe aspects of evolutionary theory? What are illustrations of studies of niche differentiation in the scientific literature?

Question 3: Illustrate the difference between evolution and natural selection? What factors make the Galapagos Islands like a fertile ground for observing evolution and natural selection? Illustrate some other sites which you might propose to observe the evolution and natural selection in action?

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Biology: Fundamental niche and realized niche
Reference No:- TGS015598

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