
Fundamental definition of theta notation

Q1. Assume that f(n) and g(n) be asymptotically non negative functions. By using the fundamental definition of Θ-notation, prove that the max (f (n), g (n)) = Θ (f (n) +g (n))

Q2. Define the term topological sort of a directed acyclic graph. Illustrate the time complexity of a topological sort?

Q3. Describe in brief how divide and Conquer approach is utilized in the Quick Sort.

Q4. Define the term Linear and Quadratic Probing.

Q5. What properties require being satisfied through a Binary Search Tree to be a Red-Black tree?

Q6. How B+ trees are distinct from the B trees?

Q7. Whenever any NP-complete problem belongs to the class P, then is P = NP?

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Fundamental definition of theta notation
Reference No:- TGS010719

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