
Functions of the texas legislature

Response to the following :

Standing Committees have broad subject matter __(1)__ and are __(2)__.

1. A. administrative discretion B. chubbing C. jurisdiction

2. A. in-house B. permanent C. temporary

__(3)__ is a prohibited practice, but also an enduring tradition on the Texas House of Representatives floor. It occurs when members cast official votes for their absent colleagues-with or without their express permission.

A. busting B. chubbing C. ghost voting

The Texas Legislature's Regular Session is divided into three distinct periods: The first 30 days are reserved for the __(4)__ of bills and resolutions. The second 30 days are generally devoted to committee consideration of the bills and resolutions. The remaining 80 days are devoted to floor __(5)__ and voting on the bills and resolutions.

4. A. consideration B. debate C. introduction

5. A. consideration B. debate C. introduction

The Texas Legislature serves the following functions: to represent the _(6)_ in government; to legislate, budget, and _(7)_; to perform constituent _(8)_; to oversee the _(9)_; to consider constitutional _(10)_ for the Texas and U.S. Constitutions; to confirm the governor's _(11)_; to _(12)_ itself and the U.S. congressional districts in Texas; and to _(13)_ and remove from office corrupt officials.

6. A. Electors B. People C. Skillful Orators

7. A. Tax B. Plan C. Fine

8. A. Education B. Casework C. Outreach

9. A. Autocracy B. Bureaucracy C. Hierarchy

10. A. Resolutions B. Proclamations C. Amendments

11. A. Appointees B. Agenda C. First Lady

12. A. Abolish B. Gerrymander C. Redistrict

13. A. Establish B. Impeach C. Fine

The Texas Constitution provides for a Regular session of the Texas Legislature that runs for a maximum of _(14)_ days AND for a legislative session that limited to no more than _(15)_ days.

14. A. 150 B. 140 C. 120

15. A. 10 B. 20 C. 30

The Texas Constitution stipulates that "the legislature shall, at its first session after the publication of each United States _(16)_, apportion the State into Senatorial and Representative districts.

16. A. declination map B. sunset review C. decennial census

The SCOTUS case of _(17)_ (1964) held that "the seats in both houses of a bicameral state legislature must be apportioned on a _(18)_ basis.

17. A. Kilgore v. Warmartin B. Reynolds v. Sims

18. A. status quo B. population

Today, all representatives in Texas are elected on a _(19)_-member-district basis.

19. A. multi B. single

20. Members of the Texas Legislature may not hold another government office AND must meet specific state constitutional qualifications concerning citizenship, voter status, state residency, district residence, and age.

A. True B. False

21. To qualify for membership in the Texas Legislature, the minimum age required for the Texas House of Representatives is 21 years old AND for the Texas Senate is 26 years old.

A. True B. False

22. As a part of its Legislative oversight of the Texas bureaucracy, the Texas Legislature participates in the _______________ Process wherein it vets each of the approximately 150 Texas Executive Branch agencies on a 12-year cycle. After the completion of both an internal and external review of each agency's performance, it is up to the Texas Legislature to decide whether to reauthorize the agency, provisionally reauthorize the agency with mandatory reforms, or allow the agency to "expire" at Sunset on the last day of the Regular Session.

A. Sundown Review B. Sunset Review C. Legislative Budget D. Infernal Review

23. Just as the Vice President of the United States is empowered to preside over the U.S. Senate but is not a member of that national lawmaking body, so too the Lieutenant Governor of Texas presides over the Texas Senate but is not a member of the state lawmaking body.

A. True B. False

24. Chosen by the Texas people in a statewide election for a four-year term, the Lt. Governor is first in the line of succession in the event of the death, resignation, or removal of the Texas Governor.

A. True B. False

25. As the Texas Senate's President, the Lt. Governor appoints the Chairs and members of Senate Committees and Sub-Committees.

A. True B. False

26. Like the Lt. Governor in the Senate, the Speaker controls the proceedings (and calendars) in the House of Representatives.

A. True B. False

27. A Legislative Caucus is an organization of legislators who seek to maximize their influence over issues in which they have a ____________ interest.

A. monetary B. special

28. For purposes of classification, proposed laws fall into three categories:

A. special B. general C. local D. home-rule

29. To become a law, a bill must pass by a __________ majority of votes of members present in both the House and the Senate, but a two-thirds majority vote if it is an emergency measure that will take effect upon signature.

A. simple B. super

30. The unwritten rule of senatorial _________ requires that the Senate "______" (reject) an appointment if the

Senator representing the appointee's residence declares him/her "personally objectionable".

A. complacency//impeach B. courtesy//bust

31. The Texas Legislature requires a minimum of ___________ Readings of any bill before it can become a law.

A. Three B. Four

32. When a bill is introduced, assigned its number, has its caption read by the reading clerk, and is assigned to a committee, the bill is deemed to have had its _________ Reading.

A. Fourth B. Third C. Second D. First

33. When a bill is brought to the floor of a chamber for debate, it is deemed to have had its _________ Reading.

A. Fourth B. Third C. Second D. First

34. When brought to a chamber's floor for a final vote, a bill is deemed to have had its ________ Reading.

A. Fourth B. Third C. Second D. First

In either the Texas House or Texas Senate, the passage of a bill after its final Reading requires a _(35)_ vote.

35. A. simple majority B. two-thirds C. three-fourths D. four-fifths

The minimum number required to do business, called a _(36)_, is constituted when at least _(37)_ of Texas House of Representatives members are present. In the Texas Senate, _(38)_ senators must be present to vote.

36. A. quorum B. query C. quota D. quotient

37. A. 21 B. 50 C. 100 D. 150

38. A. 21 B. 50 C. 100 D. 150

If the Texas Legislature is in session, the Texas Governor has 10 calendar days to exercise one of three options:

1) the Governor can _(39)_ the bill into law; 2) allow the bill to remain unsigned so that it becomes law without the chief executive's signature; or 3) _(40)_ and return the bill to its originating chamber (either the Texas Senate or Texas House) along with a message giving a reason for rejecting the bill.

39. A. address B. lobby C. sign D. veto

40. A. address B. lobby C. sign D. veto

If the Texas Legislature is adjourned (i.e., not in session), the Texas Governor has 20 calendar days to exercise one of three options: 1) the Governor can _(41)_ the bill into law; 2) allow the bill to remain unsigned so that it becomes the law without the chief executive's signature; or 3) _(42)_ the bill and filing the rejected bill with the Texas Secretary and State.

41. A. address B. lobby C. sign D. veto

42. A. address B. lobby C. sign D. veto

A Texas Governor's post-adjournment veto _(43)_ be overridden.

43. A. can B. cannot

If the _(44)_ finds that Texas will not collect sufficient revenue (i.e., taxes), a bill does not receive its crucial certification. Therefore, the bill cannot be enacted unless the both houses of the Texas Legislature approves it by _(45)_ majority vote.

44. A. Comptroller of Public Accounts B. Texas Secretary of State C. Texas Public Auditor

45. A. simple B. two-thirds C. three-fourths D. four-fifths

Lobbyists must register with the Texas _(46)_ Commission and make state-required lobbying reports to that agency. According to some Texans, lobbying means corrupting legislators with offers of campaign money and other inducements. Others see lobbyists as performing a useful role by supplying information and serving as links with organized groups of constituents living within a legislator's district.

46. A. Elections B. Ethics

The majority of the work in both the Texas House and Texas Senate occurs in _(47)_.

47. A. Committees and Subcommittees B. Floor Debates and Votes on Legislative Measures

The Texas Constitutional prerequisites for Texas gubernatorial candidates include all EXCEPT: _(48)_.

48. A. 30 years old (minimum) B. 5-years Texas Residency (immediately preceding the election)

C. tenure (3 year minimum) D. U.S. citizenship

The Texas Constitutional Order of Succession is headed by the _(49)_, then the President Pro Tempore of the TX Senate, then Speaker of the TX House, then the Texas Attorney General, then the Chief Justices of the 14 Courts of Appeals in ascending numerical order, beginning with the Chief Justice of the First Court of Appeals & ending with the Chief Justice of the Fourteenth Court of Appeals, both of whom have their primary seats in _(50)_.

49. A. Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court B. Chief Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals

C. Majority Party Leader of the Texas Senate D. Lieutenant Governor of Texas

50. A. Houston B. Dallas C. Austin

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