- Proteins from the colloidal complex of the protoplasm and its organelles.
- Most Abundant Protein in Organic World is RUBISCO or Ribulose biphosphate carboxylase.
- Most Abundant Protein in Human Body is Collagen. Upto 6% of total protoplasm (50% of total protein).
- Artificial Silk is a polysaccharide and not a protein.
- Leather is almost pure collagen.
- Ossein is Bone collagen.
- Chondrin is Bluish white ground substance of cartilage mostly formed of collagen. .
- Collagen provides tensile strength to connective tissue, tendons, cartilage and bones.
- Keratin is the main component of external protective structures like dead layers of skin, hair, scales, feathers, nails, claws, hoofs, horns, beaks.
- Fibroin or silk fibre forms cocoon covering of silkworm. Spider web is also made of fibroin.
- Actin and myosin constitute contractile system of muscles.
- P-proteins found in sieve tube cytoplasm which probably aid in solute movement.
- Microtubules are formed of a-tubulin and b-tubulin.
- Some hormones (insulin, glucagon, relaxin, HCG, TSH, FSH) are formed of proteins.
- Immunoglobulins are proteinaceous substances produced by lymphocytes that defend the body against infections.
- Prothrombin & fibrinogen involved in blood clooting.
- Resilin occurs in the wing of insects.
- Monellin present in berries of African plant Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii.
- Memory seems to be stored in the form of protein.
Protein test = Burette test